Best breeds of broiler in Nigeria and easy steps to start poultry farming
Where can one find the best breed of broiler in Nigeria? What are the primary steps of broiler rearing? Read to know the main features of poultry farming in Nigeria!

Everyday people consume thousands of broiler chicken worldwide. Poultry farming is a reasonably good business throughout Nigeria; but how can you know the best chicken breeds that will be able to resist diseases and provide farm owners with high number of eggs? Read to know more about best chicken broilers!
What is the best breed of broiler in Nigeria?
Poultry farming business is prevalent among Nigerian entrepreneurs. The main reason why they choose growing the chicken broilers is that it is a fast (if compared with other poultry species) and reliable way to feed plenty of people and make a good income at the same time.
A healthy broiler usually grows between 45-60 days. Furthermore, the meat of chicken tastes rather delicious, soft and has a sizable nutritive value for our bodies. People also grow the fowl for egg production and breeding.
Before setting a business, each producer will face the question “What is the best breed of broiler available in Nigeria?”
There is a high number of broiler species, varying due to many characteristics. At present, scientists hold investigations of chicken broilers from different parts of Nigeria to get the breed, which lays more eggs and provides a higher amount of meat. There some breeds that are very popular among farmers.

6 best breed of broiler in Nigeria
- Cornish Cross Broilers. It is a fast-growing kind of chicken. You may also recognize it by the name “Cornish Rock.” To grow such a chicken broiler will take you from six to eight weeks.
- Grinphield Marshall. It usually takes approximately 6-8 weeks for a broiler chick to grow up to the “table size.” These birds are big and tall.
- Moyer’s K-22 (also called Red Broilers). Consumers appreciate these birds for the features of their meat. It is less fatty, has a special fragrant, and excellent texture. However, to grow such a bird will take the farmer a bit longer – approximately eight weeks.
- Red Broilers. The chicken of this kind also grows up a bit slower. However, the primary advantage of these birds is their strong resistance to diseases, what makes them more appropriate for outdoor production.
- Roaster chicks (also called Moyer’s Broiler or Cornish Giants). These birds can reach the weight of over 4 lbs by 6 weeks of age. Their skin texture is good, while breast meat is tender.
- Rosambro Broilers. These broiler chickens belong to a medium-growth kind. However, they grow a bit faster than the red broilers. The unique taste also characterizes their meat.
The efficiency of such kind of business depends on the methodology and management programs the farmer chooses.

READ ALSO: How to increase profitability of broiler production in Nigeria?
9 easy steps to get engaged in poultry farming
- Make a business plan. Any business won’t have a chance to live if has no strict plan. You have to see how many investments your poultry farm will need: fees for farm rental, purchasing chicks, food, money paid as a salary for workers on your farm, and medical care.
- Learn from professionals. Feel free to ask and study all information related to production. Visit (if possible) large poultry farms; consult your business colleagues, as well as veterinarians.
- Target location. When choosing a place for a farm, you should pay attention, primarily, proximity to the market. Moreover, avoid territories set close to rivers and water sources, because that can spread viruses and the broiler wastes to nearby areas. Broiler production has its peculiarities, one of which is the smell.
- Check your “broiler pen” or “chicken house.” Before buying chicks, check everything once more. The poultry is a kind of living beings, which is a warm-blooded one. It should include a special temperature control system, good ventilation, clearing facilities and enough space to place the necessary number of the fowl.
- Get food and water done. Planning a farm for poultry, one couldn’t miss such an efficient feature as equipment for feeding. Moreover, the poultry drinks water. Within a huge production, this system should provide water and grains automatically. Do not place the feeders on the ground to avoid moisture propagation and bacteria multiplication – in other words, “keep your chicks dry.”
- Get the right Chicken breeds. When you finally have all the things prepared, it is time to purchase chicken broilers. Buy only from a trusted owner. Each chick should be clear, healthy and weigh between 35-40 grams.
- Welcome home! Before the chicks arrive home, you should get their “chicken houses” prepared. First of all, disinfect all equipment that will be in touch with chicken broilers. Then, pre-heat the house for a minimum of 24 hours before the arrival. You should also ensure enough water (it is crucial for chicks’ development on the early stages), artificial heat, and look at your poultry farm as if you were a small chick coming to live there (Is it comfortable enough? Is the access to food and water simple?)
- Medical care service. Consult specialists and hold regular vaccination for broilers. Remember that prevention is better than cure.

The first thing you have to do before starting your own business is to define its target: whether you wish to grow chickens for meat, eggs or production. Study the local market for the availability of species and for your sales also.
READ ALSO: How to start a poultry farm in Nigeria?