How to look younger than your age
All women want to keep their beauty forever. If you are also looking for ways on how to look younger than your age, we have prepared for you several pieces of advice that really work!

How to look younger than your real age
First of all, you should work on your style. Make a contemporary haircut. You can feel the effects of aging because you wear the same hairstyle from the early 80s. It is time to make modern, elegant and fashionable haircut to show everyone your beautiful face. For inspiration, look for hairstyles that are now at the peak of popularity on the Internet or in magazines. You can also ask your stylist for a piece of advice. The haircut may not be the most fashionable, most of them are not even worth considering, but the new hairstyle can instantly help you look ten years younger. You can straighten your hair, dye it or cut it down – it all depends on you! Moreover, if you have greyish hair, get rid of it, and immediately dye your hair.
It is essential to choose the right modern clothes that will contribute to the appearance of slimness. As long as you are not trying to wear something that half the people of your age prefer, you can use your clothes to your advantage. Women should wear shirts that emphasize their waist and forms. However, do not wear too tight clothes trying to look younger; instead, pick up the right clothes that will highlight your perfections.
Wear clothes in bright colours. Dark brown, grey and black shades will visually age you. More vivid colours like blue, red, green or pink will help you to create a cheerful and energetic look. Although dark tones can visually slim you, they can also make you old. To avoid a complete rejection of dark-coloured clothing, combine it with lighter clothing or jewellery. For example, black pants can go well with a bright top.

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Women should also pick the right accessories. A set of identical necklaces and earrings, as a rule, visually ages; instead, wear bright earrings and trendy, less cumbersome jewellery.
How to look younger than your age home remedies
- Use foams and gels for washing your face and avoid using soap that dehydrates your face and dry skin ages faster.
- Be sure to clean your skin properly in the evening before going to bed. Find a suitable tool for yourself. For example, Sophia Loren recommends removing eyeshadow and mascara with ordinary vegetable oil, since this area is the most gentle and dry.
- Do not wash your face with too cold or too hot water. Cold and heat adversely affect the vessels.
- Chemical residues accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. It is not recommended to wear makeup for too long: it “tires” the epidermis.
- Use peelings and mild scrubs to clean your face, but after washing, immediately moisturize the skin. To prevent the moisture loss, give preference to soft scrubs with soda or coffee grounds.
- Use lemon and green tea toners, moisture your face with it before you go to bed.
- Owners of the oily skin should be careful: you may have to abandon your favourite drying creams. Over time, the skin begins to produce less secretion. So avoid using creams with drying elements too often.

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- Protect yourself from the sun rays. The ideal option is a sunblock with a moisturising effect. They need to be used daily, before each exit outside.
- Apply masks from natural products: papaya, olive oil, and avocado. You can also use aloe vera juice in combination with your favourite cosmetics in your facial routine. But do not forget to take care of your neck and hands too.
- Be inattentive to the skin of your hands. Over the years, the skin on the hands becomes more and more dehydrated, and pigmented spots appear on it. Never forget to wear rubber gloves when washing dishes, regularly lubricate your hands with a moisturiser. Do not skimp on the hand cream. As a rule, it is much cheaper than a face cream. Lubricate your hands, not only at night but 2-3 times a day along the entire length of the hands.
How to look younger than your age with makeup
Countless tricks can help you look younger with the help of the right makeup. Proper use of cosmetics not only hides your flaws but also emphasises your beautiful sides. Here are some tips you on how to look young and beautiful:
- Use a primer or better pore filler. This substance will fill in your pores and wrinkles, and the layer of foundation will look plain.
- Use a cream-like foundation or BB-cream – something that will moisture your face and will not make it dry. But do not apply to a significant amount of it on your face. Otherwise, it will be visible, and your skin will look unnatural. Use your fingers to apply foundation because your fingers will distribute the substance on your face evenly and in a thin layer.
- Use blush correctly. A small amount of blush on the protruding part of the cheekbones will look good. Blush, applied to the hollows of the cheeks, will make you look older than you are indeed because the face tends to lose weight with age and it is unnatural when slight red, bronze or pink tint (whatever you wear) can be observed in the hollows of your cheeks.
- Replace black eyeliner with a dark brown one. With age, the black pencil on the face will be too conspicuous, so choose softer browns to underline your eyes. It will give you a more natural and younger appearance.

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- Make an accent your eyelashes. Try a good, expensive mascara, eyelash curler, or even artificial eyelashes to look younger. With age, your eyelashes may thin out, so try to resist it.
- Use a natural colour lipstick. If apply very bright lipstick colours, it will look make you older. Every woman can find the perfect shade of red or brown to emphasise her lips. But the main rule of anti-age make up – avoid using extremely bright colours as long as bright colours make all the minor wrinkles and drawbacks visible. Avoid using lip gloss.
- Eyeshadows of blue, red or purple or any other bright colour are not for you in you want to look younger. Such colours applied on the eyes will emphasise your eye circles. Moreover, apply less glitter on your face, tend to use matte makeup, it is very trendy now.
- Apply contouring, bronzers and matte highlighters to create a good shape of your face. Apply brighter tints under your eyes and darker on your cheekbones.
- Do not make your eyebrows too thin. With the age brows become thin and it is a natural process, so use brown and dark colours of brow liners to make your brows look natural. Do not create distinctive lines; just make your eyebrows a little bit thicker.
It is necessary to tell you one of the essential secrets to looking younger than your age: anti-age makeup should look as natural as it is possible!
Foods that make you look younger
- Olive oil. It is one of the most useful products on the globe, helping to prevent ageing. It has been proved that olive oil reduces elevated blood pressure, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome. That is why people who consume a lot of olive oil feel better and, therefore, look younger. Besides, olive oil has a direct effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity and firmness. Olive oil has this effect due to monounsaturated fats in its consist.
- Green tea and green vegetables. Green tea contains many antioxidants that protect the body from ageing and toxins. Moreover, green tea protects the skin from dryness. Another source of polyphenol antioxidants is green vegetables. They have the same effect on the skin. You can consume these products internally or even treat your skin with them applying masks and homemade creams.

- Fish and sea fruits. Fish contains a considerable amount of omega-3 fatty acids. In the same way as olive oil, these fats help to protect the body from many diseases associated with ageing. For example, they prevent heart disease and neurodegenerative ailments. Therefore, seniors, whose menu includes a lot of fish, feel better and look younger. Omega-3 fatty acids influence directly on the skin, helping to eliminate the inflammatory processes that occur when cells are damaged or exposed to the sun. Another substance that is present in sea fish is astaxanthin. It is one of the most active antioxidants on the Earth that return youth. Like green tea antioxidants, it protects collagen molecules from oxidation but makes it in a much more efficient way.
- Dark bitter chocolate. The most effective chocolate antioxidants work to protect the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on it. In addition to that, they improve the blood flow in the skin and help to maintain an adequate level of hydration and elasticity in it.
- Citrus fruits. They save the skin from damages associated with ageing. It is also found out that citrus fruits eliminate damage of the skin that has already been inflicted. So, citrus fruits literally cure your wrinkles. Moreover, they enhance collagen biosynthesis.

- Orange fruits and vegetables. You can eat everything orange that your heart desires - from pumpkin to mango. Orange products have a lot of beta-carotene, which is one of the most effective antioxidants. And it indeed protects skin cells from free radical oxidation.
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- Spinach also is rich in carotene, though it is not orange.
- Avocado refers to products that normalise the lipid rate. And because of this, it can not be excluded from the list of anti-ageing products. However, avocados have more interesting properties that help to fight premature ageing. One can find polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols in avocados. It eliminates inflammation in the skin caused by excessive exposure to solar radiation, and it also restores damaged DNA.
- Tomatoes. Tomatoes contain a lot of the antioxidant called lycopene, that is absolutely necessary for people over the age of 40, as it helps prevent many cardiovascular diseases including heart stroke. It has a direct positive impact on the skin. It has been noticed that women who consumed lycopene in high concentration for about 15 weeks, became younger and their wrinkles became less deep!
- Spices. All spices are beneficial for skin and blood circulation. Cinnamon enhances collagen synthesis in skin cells. Ginger root eliminates age spots. Chilli pepper slows down the development of age-related changes that inevitably occur in the skin.
Your food timetable must be balanced, and if you want to look younger, you should also eat and drink milk products, fresh juice, green, meat and avoid salty, fried or fatty foods.
Tips to look younger
We have more simple tips for you on how to look younger. If you decided to change your life completely, use them too, to become younger 100% sure!
- Keep fit. Go in for sports to take care of your body. Many people look young on the face, but their body, hands, and neck betray their real age.
- Avoid stressful situations. Tiredness and stress make even young people look old.
- Refuse harmful habits. It is already proved, that people who do not drink alcohol look much younger than those who periodically consume it.
- Give up smoking, tobacco spoils the colour of your skin and face, it affects the colour of teeth making you person look older.
- Take care of your teeth because they should be white and healthy. Otherwise, you will look older.

- Laugh as much as it is possible. The laughter will help the body to cope with stress and look younger and feel the same way.
- Keep a good posture. Keep your back straight, and your head held high, and you will not only feel better and be ready for new daily tasks but also become noticeably younger.
- Rest regularly. Although each person has different needs for rest, at least 7-8 hours per day is a necessary condition for a good rest. It will give the appearance of vivacity, and you will look younger.
As you can see, it is quite possible to look younger. Of course, a lot of things also depend on genetics, but you can control your ageing process anyway. The last and the most important tip for you – try to keep your health and beauty from a young age. It is always easier to prevent noticeable ageing than to cure or conceal it!
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