Advantages of constitutional democracy
What are the advantages of constitutional democracy? This type of political system provides people with a chance to choose both political and state leader through direct election. Read to find out what is meant by constitutional democracy and the primary values of the system.

Every country has its system of governing, which defines who heads it and will represent it within the international level. What if you live in the country with constitutional democracy? Moreover, what advantages are guaranteed to people in such a society? Read on to know meaning of constitutional democracy and its primary characteristics! defines constitutional democracy as the form of government, in which the majority of authority is restricted by institutional and legal means in such a way that people’s rights are respected. You can observe the given form in such countries as Japan, the USA, Israel, Germany, etc.

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What are the advantages of constitutional democracy?
The advantages of constitutional democracy are the following:
- equality promotion;
- an absence of power monopoly;
- protects the rights of people;
- free choice of leaders;
- stronger and more reliable administration that is elected by citizens;
- a responsible attitude to duties, as a sign of gratitude to voters;
- ensures changes and stimulates the formation of a better society for people (“people for people”).
What principles and characteristics define constitutional democracy?
- People are the power. The people are the primary source of power in the country. They select leaders into the government, which will manage society and represent its will on the international arena.
- Limited rights of the government. The law and constitution regulate the rights and functions of government.
- Acceptance of majority rules and minority rights. The law protects the rights of all people. National minorities are not an exception. The law and constitution defend their rights.
- Procedural and institutional limitations of power. Institutional and procedural devices can limit the power of the government.
- Periodic elections.
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Fundamental constitutional values include:
- the protection of freedom for self-expression and conscience, which determine the development of a full-fledged citizen within a particular society;
- the fundamental human rights in the community are defined mainly by the constitution, as well as by the following legislative acts, which determine and explain the basic principles: the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- privacy within civil society: all residents of a country with constitutional democracy are guaranteed the right to be protected from sudden intrusions from the side of government;
- the right for justice: the use of the fair procedure in responding to crimes.
Now, you are ready to answer what is meant by a constitutional democracy. This will help you widen your knowledge on the systems of government and compare it with the other ones in the future.
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