Best African writers and their books
Here we have the list of best African writers of all time. These are just 10 examples of a huge number of talented, awarded and world known authors from our continent. Read on to see their main books and read interesting facts about them.

The list of best African writers
- Chinua Achebe

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Full name: Albert Chinụalụmọgụ Achebe, years of life: 16 November 1930 - 21 March 2013. He was a prominent Nigerian novelist, poet, critic, professor. “Things Fall Apart” is the most known novel of the author, it was written in 1958, and considered as his best book. The book is still the most popular novel of modern African literature.
He received the first notable award in 1979, and it was Nigerian National Order of Merit Award. It should be said that among other awards the author also won Man Booker International Prize in 2007. The "father of modern African writing" as he was called by critics, was raised in Ogidi city in southeastern Nigeria.
The most important and famous books of the writer are:
- Things Fall Apart
- No Longer at Ease
- A Man of the People
- Anthills of the Savannah
- Arrow of God
- Meshack Asare

He is a popular author of the literature for kids. Meshack was born in Ghana, now, he lives in Degenfeld, Germany. On 24 October 2014, Meshack Asare was awarded by the prestigious international award NSK Neustadt Prize for Children's Literature. Meshack Asare was the first African writer to win this award.
Here we have the list of the most notable books by Meshack Asare:
- Noma's Sand: A Tale from Lesotho (2002)
- Meliga's Day (2000)
- Nana's Son (2000)
- Sosu's Call (1997)
- The Magic Goat (1997)
- Halima (1992)
- Cat in Search of a Friend (1984)
- Chipo and the Bird on the Hill: A tale of ancient Zimbabwe (1984)
- The Brassman's Secret (1981)
- Tawia Goes to Sea (1970)
- Mansa Helps at Home (1969)
- I Am Kofi (1968)
- Mariama Bâ

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The next one among worldwide known African writers. She was born on April 17, 1929 and died on August 17, 1981. Mariama Bâ was a Senegalese writer and feminist. She was born in Dakar, the writer was very frustrated about the fate of African women. She described sorrow of African women in her first and most known novel “So Long a Letter.” The book helped to attract international attention to the problems of women in Africa. Other notable novels of the writer are: "Scarlet Song," and "Une si longue lettre."
- Tsitsi Dangarembga

The writer was born on 4 February 1959 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Her first book “Nervous Conditions” (1988), was named by BBC as "one of the top 100 books that have changed the world." Tsitsi Dangarembga began her education in England and continued in the University of Zimbabwe when she studied psychology.
Her first short story called "The Letter" was published in 1985.She was 25 years old when she published her most known popular novel "Nervous Conditions." The novel won many important awards and considered as "one of twelve best African novels ever written." Other notable works of the author are: "Neria" (1993), "Everyone's Child" (1996), "Growing Stronger" (2005).
- Naguib Mahfouz

Years of life: December 11, 1911 - August 30, 2006. He was an Egyptian writer who was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. Naguib Mahfouz is the author of 34 novels, and a big number of other literature works.
The most notable work of the author is "The Cairo Trilogy," the story consists of three novels: "Palace Walk," "Palace of Desire," "Sugar Street." The story is about three generations of Cairene patriarch’s family in the period from 1919 to 1944. There is an overview of many important historical events in the book, for example, the Egyptian Revolution against colonizers, and the Second World War.
- Thomas Mokopu Mofolo

The writer is recognized as "the greatest Basotho author". The author wrote in Sesotho language, the most famous of his books called "Chaka" and it was published in many countries of the world.
His first novel “The Traveler of the East,” was written in 1907. The most notable book of the author "Chaka" was published in 1925. It was an epic tragedy story of a Zulu conqueror. Because of the description of the pre-Christian life of local people, the missionaries were against the publication of the book, but it gained big fame after the publication.
- Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o

The Kenyan writer was born on 5 January 1938. He works in such genres as novels, essays, short stories, plays. He is the owner of many famous literature awards, among them: Nonino International Prize for Literature (2001), and Man Booker International Prize (2009). The list of the most notable novels includes:
- The River Between (1965)
- Weep Not, Child (1964)
- A Grain of Wheat (1967)
- Petals of Blood (1977)
- Wole Soyinka

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The whole name of the author is Akinwande Oluwole Babatunde Soyinka. He was born on 13 July 1934 in Abeokuta city, Nigeria. In 1986 the writer was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature. The author works as playwright, poet, and essayist. Wole Soyinka took an active role in the political history of Nigeria and the independence of the country.
His first major plays attracted the interest of London's Royal Court Theatre representatives, and they invited him to London. In 1957, Royal Court Theatre produced his play "The Invention." At that time he also published his poems "The Immigrant" and "My Next Door Neighbour." After returning to Nigeria, Soyinka wrote “My Father’s Burden” it was the first full-length play produced on television in Nigerian.
His writing talent was highly honoured and awarded by the most valued literature awards.
- Amos Tutuola

The Nigerian writer was born in Abeokuta on 20 June 1920, he died on 8 June 1997. His writing career started in 1946, he became internationally famous after he published his first three books. The most famous novels of the author are “His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Deads' Town” and “The Palm-Wine Drinkard.” The books were published in 1952 in London and Paris. Amos Tutuola novels were translated in more than 10 languages and published around the world.
- Léopold Sédar Senghor

Dates of life: 9 October 1906 - 20 December 2001. He was a Senegalese poet, cultural theorist, politician. He is also known as the first president of Senegal. The poetry of Léopold Sédar was widely acclaimed, in 1978 he was honoured by Prix Mondial Cino Del Duca. In 1948 author published his most famous book of poetry in the French language that was called "Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache." The poet was a unique person who combined great political career and poetry
This is our list of top African writers. Here we showed only 10 of a big number of talented authors. Best African writers books are known and highly valued in the world.
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Source: Top African authors of all time