Top 10 best presidents (governors) in the world and their countries
Who is the best president in the world? What are his/her ways to success? Presidents are elected in different ways: by a democratically elected organization or through public voting. Read to find out who the best president in the world ever is and names of the top 10 best presidents in 2018! Is any African country on the list? We guarantee you will enjoy the reading!

Best president in the world in 2018
All over the globe, the leaders transform the quality of life to make their countries the best places to live. Different reforms are held to see, what social issues are the most effective and meet the needs of people.
The question “Who is the best president in the world in 2018?” has no strict answer. It can be viewed from different perspectives because every person has its own opinion about the notion “the best”.
Let’s take the Gross National Happiness (GNP) as the primary indicator. It is the result of the work of the president and his planning and executive teams. Every year the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network releases the rating of the happiest countries worldwide.
According to the information, provided by, this research involved data from 156 countries and is based on the following factors:
- the Gross Domestic Production (GDP);
- the level of corruption;
- freedom;
- life expectancy;
- generosity;
- life support.
What are they – the happiest countries in the world?
1. Finland and Sauli Väinämö Niinistö, the Current Best President in the World

The area of this country is covered by plenty of peaceful forests and is inhabited by 5.5 million people. It provides high living standards and a low level of potential dangers.
Sauli Väinämö Niinistö is the 12th president of Finland. He was born on August 24, 1948, in Salo, Finland. He is a lawyer by education. Sauli Niinisto can be described as a reliable person, who can stay calm and devoted to national affairs, in spite of dramatic events in personal life.
On the way to the top he had to pass through the following career levels:
- public service;
- a speaker of parliament;
- a minister of justice;
- deputy prime minister;
- minister of finance.
After his appointment onto the post of a president, he paid great attention to the youth problems and the improvement of living conditions in the rural areas.
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2. Norway and Erna Solberg

You will be surprised to know that this beautiful country with magic fiords has NO president! The country heads the tops worldwide because of having high prosperity indexes and welfare ranks, being run by the prime minister or the “minister of the state”.
The country is currently governed by Erna Solberg, who pays a lot of attention to the cultural and educational development of people since the early childhood. At present, Norway provides the highest standards of living, has a low level of unemployed people, the most significant output per capita and the longest life expectancy.
3. Kingdom of Denmark and Lars Lokke Rasmussen

Denmark offers its inhabitants high standards of living and well-developed systems of tax, education, welfare, and health. Its currently headed by Lars Lokke Rasmussen.
After the graduation from the University in Copenhagen with a degree in law, he worked as a consultant for some time. Later, in 1994, he started the career in politics. During professional development, he occupied the posts of Minister of Finance and Minister of the Interior and Health.
4. Iceland and Guðni Thorlacius Johannesson

Iceland is a beautiful place, where you can experience a peaceful life within inspiring landscapes. This country is known for its free education, low taxes and the level of health care.
Guðni Thorlacius Johannesson is the 6th governor of the country. Before he entered politics, his life was devoted to giving lectures about modern Icelandic history at the University of Iceland. He also provided is also a lecturer at the University of London, Bifröst University and Reykjavik University. Being a Professor of History, he did great work and got recognition thanks to many published works.
5. Switzerland and Alain Berset

Switzerland is a rather good location to turn it into your home. This country features unbelievably great infrastructure, encouraging tax regime, productive economy and educational facilities.
Alain Berset is a politician, who originates from the Social Democratic Party. Before he headed the state, his career was connected with the activity of the Swiss Federal Council and the Federal Department of Home Affairs.
Before politics, he was a lecturer at the Institute for Regional Economics of the University of Neuchâtel. He published many works, which refer to migration, regional and economic development.
Alain Berset is only 45 years old. He is a very educated person, who speaks many languages: English, Swiss German, Swiss Italian, Romansh, and Swiss French.
6. The Netherlands and Mark Rutte

The Netherlands is a liberal country, which keeps the laissez-faire approach to life. This place offers to enjoy dreamy landscapes painted with tulips and windmills, which capture breath during a ride on a bike.
The Prime Minister governs the country. This post currently belongs to an optimistic Dutch politician Mark Rutte. He is only 50, but people greatly appreciate the work he continues to do day-by-day.
Mark Rutte took the responsibility of making hard decisions in the times of crisis, what lead to its current prosperity within Europe. He also reduced the flow of refugees from Turkey. The Netherlands does not accept asylum seekers, who are accused of threats, bullying or discrimination.
One of the most significant features of this country is the absence of any debts, which makes the economy stay out of a dangerous zone.
7. Canada and Justin Trudeau

Canada is a beautiful country, which blends breathtaking landscapes, solitude and high standards of living. The Prime Minister heads this country.
He is a son of the former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Justin Trudeau education includes studying at McGill University and the University of British Columbia.
At first, his job was teaching math, drama and French at a high school. His political career started from the membership in the Conservative Party. On October 19, 2015, this party won the majority of votes in the House of Commons.
On November 3, 2015, he took an oath as the 23rd prime minister of Canada. He gave equal number of seats to men and women in the new government.
8. New Zealand and Jacinda Ardern

New Zealand tops the wish list of many travelers. This country makes not only its residents feel happy but also tourists, coming to explore its relaxed and blissful way of life.
The Prime Minister Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern is the head of this beautiful escape. She became the toast of entire country and abroad due to her ability to combine progressive values, youth, and charisma.
The education of Jacinda Ardern comprises studying communications in college. At the age of 18, she joined the Labour Party and started to build her career in politics. The target aims of that organization included: providing mental health care for free, the river cleansing throughout the country and putting the minimum wages up.
Later, she occupied the post of a staff member for Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister of Britain. Then, she worked for Helen Clark, a former New Zealand prime minister, who described Jasinda in glowing terms. She is the youngest prime minister in the history of New Zealand.
9. Sweden and Stefan Löfven

Sweden is an idyllic place, where you can fully deepen into Scandinavian landscapes. This country provides enough conditions for tech startups, gender equality, progress in pension and social systems, development of the sphere of renewable energy, business innovations, manufacturing, finance and growth of such brands like IKEA, H&M, Volvo, etc.
Stefan Löfven is the Prime Minister of Sweden.
A foster family raised him. His education includes the welding course at AMU (not completed) and 1.5 years of studying at the University of Social Sciences in Umeå.
The steps he made within his career may sound surprising: at first he worked as a sawmill worker, a postman, a welder at the defense industry company Hägglund & Söner in Örnsköldsvik, an international secretary and director of the organizational unit, the Chairman of the Union 2005, he also worked for Olof Palmes International Center and the Royal Institute of Technology.
Among the fundamental priorities of his government were social security, improvements within the educational system and reduction of unemployed people.
10. Australia and Malcolm Turnbull

Australia is a scenic destination, where you can pamper yourself with relaxation all year round. Its golden beaches, fantastic year-round weather, and beautiful wildlife attract thousands of travelers. There are no presidents in the country. The Prime Minister governs it.
On his way to the career of the prime minister, he had to try the following occupations as a barrister, a journalist, a developer of shopping centers, a banker, a businessman, a Rhodes scholar, a politician and a student at Oxford. He started his bank to provide financial security for thousands of people.
As you can see, all these people did not dream of becoming leaders. They had to pass through many trials and get plenty of knowledge before obtaining power.
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What about the African Continent? Who is Thought to Be the Best Leader in Africa?

Ethiopia is a beautiful country, which boasts of having such a gem as the Blue Nile, astonishing wildlife and friendly residents.
The best leader on the African continent in 2018 is Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed from Ethiopia. In the article by, he was compared to Justin Trudeau, Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Barack Obama.
According to, among the main contributions, made by Abiy Ahmed during the time of governing, are:
- freed many people who were imprisoned because of their political beliefs
- cancellation of the state of emergency
- help in bringing the state war with Eritrea to the end
- allowance for dissidents to come back home
- lifting state ban off many TV channels and websites off
- order for the privatization of huge companies owned by the country.
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Who is the best president in the world ever?

One will probably wish to know the answer for one more question: “Who is the best president in the world ever?”. The opinions of historians differ again. According to the information given by, there are three most discussed figures, competing for this status:
- Abraham Lincoln
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- George Washington
Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer and a statesman, who lived in America. He was elected to be the 16th president of the United States.
He is an excellent example of a leader, whose zeal and perseverance let him reach the desired aim. He mastered the law himself and, after several attempts, finally passed an exam to the Legislative Assembly of Illinois.
Lincoln refused to take money from poor people, who needed his help.
The data provided by helps to answer a question about what principal contributions he did for the well-being of his country:
- preserved the Union during the Civil War
- brought slavery to an end in the USA (Emancipation Proclamation)
- gave support for the Homestead Act, which made it possible for poor people from the to West get lands in the East
- signed the Morrill Act, which allows medical colleges and agricultural establishments to receive aid
- signed the National Banking Act, which defined the national currency
- signed tariff legislation.
A great leader is a guarantee of his country’s prosperity. He does all the necessary changes for a better life of millions of people. Only an honest and hardworking person, dedicated to his work both his body and soul, deserves the respect of the whole nation.
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