Most educated president in the world and his story
What is the name of the most educated president in the world? Good leadership goes hand in hand with education and intelligence. Education is thought to be the key to life, providing people with “powerful weapons”, which can be used to change the world. Read to know the name of a person, who has it all!

Who is the most educated president in the world?
Every nation can greatly succeed in its social progress if governed by an educated person, who can take the right decisions for the country.
According to, the most educated president in the whole world and Africa is Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
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Biography of the most educated president in the whole world

Robert Gabriel Mugabe made his first breath on February 21, 1924. He originates from a family of Roman Catholic parents, Bona and Gabriel Matibili. The roots of Robert come from Kutama, located in the area of Southern Rhodesia, currently called Zimbabwe.

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There were six children in the family (the third one was Mugabe). The sudden death of older children, made Robert’s father leave the family.

Origin of presidential intelligence
Young Robert got a sufficient primary education. He studied at the Jesuit mission school (under the supervision of Father O’Hea) and the Roman Catholic one. The young boy was taught by Father O’Hea and idea that all people are equal and they should study till the limits of abilities.
Having finished school, he entered the Kutama College. This time was completely devoted to studying books, skill-development, and solitude.
To become a teacher was the main idea of Mugabe when he started studying, but soon he gave up this idea and kept on developing his mental skills at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa. In 1951, he got Bachelor of Arts degree after the graduation and decided to continue his education at Salisbury, Gwelo, Tanzania where he obtained six more degrees.
13 interesting facts about the career of the president

- Within 1955 – 1958, Robert Gabriel Mugabe worked as a teacher at Chalimbana Teacher Training College, which is set in Northern Rhodesia. That period of life, both thoughts and visions were greatly affected by the works of Marx and Kwame Nikrumah, who was known as the Ghana Prime Minister.
- Mugabe’s joining to the National Democratic Party marked the period of 1960. He formed the organization “Zimbabwe African Peoples Union” (ZAPU). He left the post of a group leader in 1963. Since then ZAPU was governed by Joshua Nkomo.
- He connected the further activity with a newly-formed organization called ZANU (the Zimbabwe African National Union). Later, on August 26, 1964, these two organizations were forbidden (ZANU and ZAPU). The arrest of Mugabe also marked this phase of life.
- In 1974, he finally felt the taste of freedom as well as other imprisoned separatist leaders.
- The year 1974 was rich in events that draw the attention of Mugabe. One of them was a conference in Lusaka, Zambia. After his participation there, Mugabe gathered a troop of Rhodesian insurgents.
- After the widespread unrest throughout Zimbabwe, the British colonies assumed a decision to give power to black majority rule. It was a turning moment in the history of Southern Rhodesia because it got a desired independence from the British. The area was named the independent Republic of Zimbabwe.
- On March 4, 1980, Mugabe met his first success within the administrative level. He was appointed the prime minister, heading the first government.
- On behalf of the quick recovery of Zimbabwe economy, he offered to Joshua Nkomo a wonderful solution – to unite ZANU with ZAPU.
- In 1987, Mugabe took the post of Zimbabwe’s executive President. Joshua Nkomo got the rights of the senior minister. The period of his administration had greatly improved the state of the national economy: thanks to an elaborated five-year plan, local farmers got an opportunity to define their prices on products, he established many schools, built clinics to cure the existing diseases; one could observe a sudden rise within mining, manufacturing and farming areas.
- In 2002, Mugabe won the elections for the president. He had to experience and cope with a country living its hardest times due to the widespread starvation, unemployment and AIDS.
- The voting of 2008 turned into the apple of discord for Morgan Tsvangirai, who won these elections, and Mugabe, who got angry and demanded to recount voices. Great plenty of controversial actions took place in the society up to murders on the political ground. After the arrangement to head the country during 2010 together, Mugabe proceeded his activity without consulting with “a partner”. These actions proved that nobody had a desire to share power.
- In 2013, 61 percent of votes brought the victory to Mugabe on the presidential elections.
- In November 2017, Mugabe was imprisoned. He was also made to leave the heading position of ZANU. The impeachment procedure ended on November 2017.
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Guess What? It is Never Too Late to Study!
It will sound strange and unexpected, but the most educated president had never stopped moving forward. During his imprisonment, Mugabe continued to study and got three more degrees: a Master of Science degree and two degrees in Laws.
As you see, being an educated person provides excellent opportunities. Mugabe is an outstanding figure, who has got 18 degrees: 3 of them are revoked, 7 of them are academic, and 11 are honorary. Use as many abilities as you can to do a bit more and soon you will see the results!
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