Arewa fashion styles in 2018
Arewa fashion styles, otherwise known as Northern Nigerian styles, are incredibly beautiful, and we want to share some of them with you. Take a look at the latest fashions from the North for women and men, you will find some inspiration for your newest look!

As we have mentioned before, we are going to be talking about arewa styles for both men and women, which is why this article has two sections dedicated to each group. So take a look around and find the section that interests you the most.
Arewa fashion styles for women

Source: UGC
Women of the north are known for their beauty, as well as their incredible wears. If you need proof, just look at this gorgeous arewa dress. Everything is perfect about it, from the colour combination to the pattern and shape of the fabric.

Source: UGC
That said, women of Northern Nigeria do not have to rely on sparkly things to look stunning. As long as the shape is right, any arewa gown can look beautiful, even if it is made from simple fabric. However, it will look even lovelier if it features a fun pattern, or some ruffles.

Source: UGC
It seems like lots of arewa outfits feature either peplums, or flared sleeves, or, as is in this case, both. The geometric pattern of this particular dress seems particularly fascinating, so do not be alarmed if you catch someone staring at you for quite some time :)

Source: UGC
We absolutely love seeing darker colours in arewa fashion, as they tend to bring something new and mysterious to already gorgeous looks. Nevertheless, in this outfit, our favourite part is the cold shoulder, as it allows for a little peek of the skin in the otherwise solid dress.

Source: UGC
Here is another beautiful arewa dress, with its bright pattern, peplum at the waist and frilly sleeves. Every element of the outfit is well thought out, as the accessories and makeup complement the colours of the gown.

Source: UGC
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This is what we would like to call ‘double trouble’, as it is hard for us to handle seeing one stunning lady at a time, but when there are two of them, and they both look gorgeous in their matching outfits, our brains short circuit. Just look at how perfectly identical they are, up to the accessories!

Source: Instagram
Up to this point, we have seen ladies wear head wraps that match the colours of their outfits. However, that is not the only way you can do it. You can go in the opposite direction and choose a colour that would stand in stark contrast to the rest of your look. It will just be an added bonus to your already lovely outfit.

Source: UGC
To be fair, we are running out of words to say, as every arewa outfit we have seen looks just so beautiful, and there are only so many adjectives that we could use to describe them. We could wax poetic about each of them for hours, especially this one, as it combines the colours wonderfully.

Source: UGC
Here is another version of double trouble, but this time, the outfits look different and beautiful in their own way. You can see that even though the fabric is the same, one can come up with many different ways of making a gorgeous look out of it.

Source: UGC
We wanted to end this category with this dress, which is unlike all the rest. It does not have peplums or frilly sleeves, but it does not make it look any less fascinating. To be honest, this is probably one of our favourite outfits of the bunch.
Arewa Atamfa styles for men

Source: UGC
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Arewa fashion style does not only concern women, as men of the north are quite the fashionistas themselves. Just look at this gentleman in his Arewa Atamfa outfit. He is quite literally glowing! It is also great to see that he cared about his look enough to find a cap that would match the rest of his look.

Source: UGC
It is not often that you get to see men wearing traditional arewa clothes in the colour purple (they are often in neutral black and white or earthy tones). However, when you do get to see someone sporting some cool wears, it is always a nice surprise :)

Source: UGC
Here is a look for a man on the go. The colour scheme is quite simple and unassuming, and you can wear it on the daily without the fear of looking out of place. It is appropriate for almost any occasion, and it looks comfortable, too!

Source: UGC
Do you know that azure blue is actually a great colour to go for if you want to complement your dark skin? Well, now you do! As you can see, it looks beautiful against darker skin, especially when paired with silver accessories.

Source: UGC
Red has always been a colour that attracts attention, so if you want to draw some looks to your person, something like this outfit should do the trick. There is something particularly captivating about this shade of red, especially when the outfit itself is so well made.

Source: UGC
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You can never go wrong with black, so if you cannot figure out what colour you should wear to an event, just go for black. In order for it not to look too sombre, you can always spice it up with some gold, both as part of the outfit and with accessories.

Source: UGC
Now, this arewa Atamfa outfit is absolutely stunning. It looks very rich and elaborate, every stitch and fold is exactly where it should be. The colour scheme is complementary to the skin tone, and the combination of all the elements creates an unforgettable look.

Source: UGC
If you have a playful side to you, but you still want to pay your respects to tradition, it is a good idea to incorporate some interesting elements into the otherwise classic look. In this case, we are talking about playing cards (that hint towards the fact that the person wearing the outfit is king), but it can be anything you like.

Source: UGC
This look is somewhat similar to the one we have seen in the beginning of this section, only this one features an asymmetric hat and some beautiful embroidery at the front of the outfit. This is something you can wear every day or even to some fancy functions, and it will look great regardless of the circumstances.

Source: UGC
Last, but certainly not least, we have this lovely two-coloured arewa outfit. It looks simple yet fancy, and you can be sure the heads will be turning your way when you walk by wearing something like this.
Which is your favourite arewa style? What other styles would you like us to talk about next? Please let us know in those comments below, we would love to hear from you.
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