Side effects of breastfeeding while pregnant

Side effects of breastfeeding while pregnant

Are you worried about the possible side effects of breastfeeding while pregnant? Then you should definitely check out this article. Find out whether it is a good idea to breastfeed your child while carrying another one.

Breastfeeding while pregnant side effects
Source: UGC

Is breastfeeding during pregnancy safe?

First of all, let’s consider the most important question: is it even safe to be breastfeeding while pregnant? Right off the bat, we want to calm you down a bit: most of the time, if you are a healthy individual and your doctor has nothing against it, you can be both pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time with little to no risk to you, your new-born and the one still inside of you.

That said, not all pregnant people are recommended to breastfeed, particularly those who:

  • Have a high-risk pregnancy or a high risk of having a difficult labour;
  • Carry twins;
  • Have been advised against having intercourse during pregnancy;
  • Experience uterine pain or bleeding.

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If you do not belong to any of the aforementioned categories, breastfeeding should have little to no side effects. However, if you still want to know about possible breastfeeding while pregnant risks, no matter how minor, continue reading, and we will tell you all about them.

Side effects of breastfeeding while pregnant

Breastfeeding while pregnant
Source: UGC

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As we have mentioned before, it is highly unlikely that you will experience any side effects from breastfeeding during pregnancy, but there might be some uncomfortable things you should be on the lookout for. Consider the following unpleasant experiences that might come along the way:

  • Your nipples might get incredibly sensitive. If your nipples and breasts were not sore before, there sure are going to be when you get pregnant again. While some experience only mild discomfort, others might find it unbearable to feed their babies during pregnancy. Nevertheless, this discomfort is not usually long-lasting, and sometimes something as simple as position change can help you feel better.
  • You might experience fatigue. Pregnancy takes a lot out of a person’s body, and putting breastfeeding on top of that might be incredibly tiring. If you do not get enough rest (which is not uncommon among those who already have small babies) or nutrition, you might not feel your best. However, this side effect is easily alleviated by taking proper care of yourself, or, if it is not entirely possible, by breastfeeding while lying down.

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Source: UGC

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  • Your morning sickness might get worse than usual. There is a possibility that you might feel incredibly nauseous when you get up in the morning to feed your baby, even more so than you would usually feel. For such cases, you should keep a reserve of healthy snacks that can help you manage this unpleasant feeling, or wear a sickness wristband.
  • Expect some mood swings. Of course, you might experience those during pregnancy even if you do not breastfeed, but the process might make you even more emotional than usual. This is especially relevant if your baby is weaning, which might make you feel like you will never be as close to your child. So just brace yourself and let those tears flow.
  • Your milk supply might diminish. This is a normal occurrence, especially during the second trimester, so do not be alarmed. If this does not have any negative effect on the development of your baby, you can just feed it more often, albeit with smaller portions. You can also slowly begin introducing other foods into the diet of the child, but do so under your paediatrician’s guidance.

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Breastfeeding while pregnant
Source: UGC

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  • The taste and consistency of your milk might change. While this is not something that might be apparent to you, your baby might seem more reluctant to drink your milk. This is also no reason to be scared, as during pregnancy, the milk your body produces can change consistency, taste and even colour. This new substance is called colostrum, and most babies are not too fond of it. If yours is ok with the changes, then there is really no reason to worry.
  • You might experience light contractions. Once again, you should not abstain from breastfeeding during pregnancy only because you have heard somewhere that it might cause contractions resulting in premature labour. Yes, you might experience contractions due to nipple stimulation and release of oxytocin, but they are usually not strong enough to cause any harm. If you are still afraid, do not hesitate to ask your doctor.

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Now, even though we have listed seven side effects you might encounter while breastfeeding during pregnancy, there is no guarantee that you will get them all, or any of them, for that matter. These are just things you should be on the lookout for in case you start feeling out of the ordinary.

All that said, if you still have doubts about this whole thing, you should contact your doctor and ask their advice.

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: