What is African traditional religion?
In this article we will answer the question what is African traditional religion and how did other religions appear on this continent? The African continent is famous for its diversity in all spheres, therefore, the religions of Africa are very numerous too. There are representatives of most modern trends, but a stable place is also occupied by the ancient beliefs, habitual for the local tribes.

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Most of the population of our continent professes the world's most popular Christianity and Islam, often these traditions are adapted to African realities. There is also Hinduism and Judaism. There are many adherents of traditional religions, who came from long ago and are associated with a long autonomous historical development.
History of African traditional religion
Christianity came to Africa from the outside, it happened, as the legend says, in 42, then the Orthodox Coptic Church was formed by the Apostle Mark. And in the 2nd century, a new religion became popular in Egypt, as well as in Ethiopia and Eritrea. This movement spread to the entire North African coast.
The subsequent history of this religion of Africa is this:
- 4th century - the emergence of the idea of establishing an African church, independent of Europe, in particular, Rome;
- 5th century - the creation of the Monophysite church on the basis of Egyptian and Ethiopian Christians;
- 7th century - the displacement of Christianity from the north by Islam.
Later, the Christian movement began to gain popularity again. This was due to the Portuguese colonization then, in the 16-18 century, the missionaries began to impose Catholicism. However, such activities were not very successful.
There were other periods of activation of Christian propaganda:
- the middle of the 19th century - the conquest of Africa by the West European colonizers, the active work of missionaries, the creation of all sorts of orders by the Roman Catholic Church;
- at the end of World War II, Christianity in Africa began to adapt to local customs, the growth of the African clergy.
The result of all actions was a strong position of Christianity on the mainland, here its various directions are professed by about 400 million Africans. There are:
- Catholics;
- Protestants;
- Monophysites;
- Orthodox;
- Uniates.
Christian religion of Africa

Photo: pravlife
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The largest number of Christians in parts of Africa:
- West;
- East;
- South.
Afro-Christian or syncretic religion was formed by the combination of classical Christian traditions and local beliefs and customs, this trend is widespread and it is singled out by its groups:
- Adapted Christian sects;
- Messianic sects;
- Sects of the pagan-Christian union;
- Ethiopian (black) sects;
- The Old Testament sects.
The Muslim religion of Africa

Photo: islamdag
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Islam was included in the list of religions of Africa also with the help of foreign intervention - it was brought by Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula. They conquered the North African coast in the 7th century, in order to spread their religion, the invaders enjoyed active economic and administrative measures:
- restriction of rights for non-believers;
- taxation and so on.
As a result, the traditions of Islam in northern Africa were fully established in the 12th century. Hence traders and immigrants began to bring Islam to the east of the continent, over time the tropical part also became acquainted with a new religion.
In modern Africa, Muslims live in such regions:
- North;
- West;
- Northeast.
Traditional African religions
Despite the popularity of world-famous churches, the traditional religions of Africa are still in demand and used, as they were centuries ago. These beliefs have passed a long history in seclusion from the whole world, they are connected with the African traditions passed on by the tribes from generation to generation. All this was connected with everyday life, nature, understanding of the world, therefore, reflected the true essence of Africans.
Traditional religions of Africa in connection with such rituals have become so firmly established in the minds and lives of people. Typically, such religions are found in Africa, and many Africans can safely profess any other faith, secretly worshiping long-standing traditions.
All the traditional religions of Africa have common features, the first of which is a funerary cult expressed in deep veneration of ancestors and all the dead. Everyone who left life becomes a special object for living heirs, all families revered the departed, conducted special rituals to help spirits in life.

Photo: tulaguide
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This is how the South African people of the Thong lived, for its representatives all the souls of their ancestors became revered objects. There are sacrifices and rituals make for the spirits of two lines - maternal and paternal.
The next feature of African beliefs is totemism, which to this day is found in some elements in the culture of African countries in the east and south. Here totems are animals. Beichuan now also have totemic dances.
Separately there is a cult of animals, which originated from the ancient fear of dangerous animals. For many African peoples, the leopard, which is a very dangerous predator, became revered. There are also cults of various snakes.
Priests in the traditional religions of African who engage in farming often form a cult of deities that patronize the agricultural business, they revere the masters of various natural objects (forests, hills, streams, etc.). The Zulu even have a goddess Nomkubulvan, who, when she is worshiped, gives fertility to the lands.
African traditional religious rituals

Photo: everfest
Speaking about the traditional religion of Africa, one should also remember the cult of the priests, who met not only in voodoo but also in many other directions. In general, priests have always been considered the most important people in the tribes, there were also those who practiced special skills:
- magic;
- fortune telling;
- quackery.
Among modern Africans there are similar individuals who, in addition to the listed functions, can also have other skills. For example, they are spiritual leaders for the locals. In addition, priests often join in unions that extend their influence to other spheres, including administrative ones.
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Source: Legit.ng