How to generate GIFMIS code
There are various reasons why you might need to know how to generate GIFMIS code. No matter what the reasons are, we can help you figure out how it works. So check out this article and learn more about this code, including what it is and how to get it.

What is GIFMIS code?
So what exactly is this code? Well, GIFMIS stands for Government Integrated Financial Management Information System, and their code is known as GIFMIS Revenue Reference Number (GRR or GRRN). It is a 10-digit code that helps the government to identify, classify, interpret and account for all revenues it receives.
Why do you need the GIFMIS GRR? You need to use it while paying revenue via banking application in order to facilitate accurate, full and timely accountability of government revenue.
Now that you have a general idea of what it is, let’s find out how the GIFMIS GRR works.
How can you generate it?

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Now, this is what you should understand: unless you are an authorised officer of a government organisation, you cannot generate the GIFMIS code by yourself. In order to get the reference number to make a payment, you need to look for it via the available communication channels of the government organisation you want to pay. It can also be on the booking ticket or invoice.
If you want to make a payment to a government organisation, say, to Ahmadu Bello University, you would have to contact the university, specify the nature of your payment and receive the Revenue Reference Number. You would then enter the GRR at the bank while making your payment and then return the deposit slip to the university to confirm the payment. And you do not really have to worry about the rest.
If, for some reason, you cannot contact the Ministry, Department or Agency (MDA) you need to make a payment to, or their GRR is somehow not on the invoice, GIFMIS actually has a very useful page, where you can find most (if not all) government organisations and their GRR numbers you can use for various payments. Click here to go to that page. The MDAs are divided by region, so that you can easily find what you are looking for.
As you can see, you cannot generate the GIFMIS GRR number yourself and you do not really have to do it. Just go to the aforementioned website or contact the MDA you want to make payment to, and the GRR number will be provided to you.
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