How do I get my state of origin certificate in Nigeria without stress
There are many reasons why people require a state of origin certificate. These certificates are often needed when a person is searching for a job or wants to get into higher educational institution and so on. However, obtaining such a paper can be quite difficult if you don’t know certain useful steps.

Source: UGC
How does a person get a state of origin certificate?
State of Origin certificate is mostly given based on the state of your parent, mostly the father originates from. So, to receive the document, you'll need the local government your parent or parents is from to prove your origin from that given area.
State of origin certificate requirements in Nigeria
What does one need to get a state of origin certificate?
- You need to reach the local government facility in your area and let them know that you are interested in obtaining such a document.
- Take with you two most recent passport photographs of you and the passport itself
- Fill out a special form, which will require your personal details
- Receive bank account details from the local government to pay for the certificate
- Take a photocopy of the received teller
- Render the copy (not the original, it’s important!) of the teller and then wait until your certificate is printed and signed as due.
How much is state of origin certificate?
The whole process with all the walking to and fro will take you several hours. The popular amount for such a document is around N2,500.
Where to get state of origin certificate?
You should remember that the only authorities that give such certificates is the local government secretariat.

Source: UGC
Several important tips on how to obtain a state of origin certificate without stress
- When filling out the mentioned form, it’s very important not to make mistakes. Make sure you know well how all the parts of your name are written, the names of areas, and so on. If you are not sure about something, ask for clarity.
- If there are no other requirements in the form, the usual way of filling it demands providing your last name first followed by your other name or names.
- If there’s still an error in the form, the process of identity recovery may be quite complicated. Some people think that their village councilors, town kings and other local authorities are also able to issue such certificates and so they go to these people and waste their time demanding something they can not give.
Actually, this is everything you need to know to get your state of origin certificate without problems. If the information has been helpful to you, share it with your friends!
DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!
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