Story of Moses life from the Bible

Story of Moses life from the Bible

For many years, historians and Bible scholars have been discussing this issue. According to Bible scholars, Moses is the author of the 'Pentateuch' - the first five books of the Jewish and Christian Bible. But historians have found some contradictions in this info.

Story of moses life

Who is Moses?

The Prophet Moses is one of the central figures in the Old Testament. He saved the Jews from the oppression of the Egyptian rulers. However, historians continue to insist on their own truth, because there is no evidence of these events. But the personality and life of Moses are certainly worthy of attention.

Story of Moses from the Bible

The future prophet was born in Egypt. Moses' parents belonged to the tribe of Levi. The Levites were clergymen, who served in the temple, so they had no right to own their lands.

During XV-XVIII BC, the Israelites moved to Egypt due to famine. But the fact was that for the Egyptians they were strangers. And soon the pharaohs decided that Jews could become dangerous for them because they would stand on the side of the enemy if someone decided to attack Egypt. The rulers began to oppress the Israelites, they literally made them slaves. The Jews worked in the quarries and built pyramids. And soon the pharaohs decided to kill all Jewish male babies, in order to stop the growth of Israel's population.

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Who was Moses' father?

Moses' father was Amram, the son of Keath and the grandson of Levi, led the wise men of his generation. His mother was Jochebed, daughter of Levi, was the instructor of the Jewish midwives. Moshe (real name of Moses) had an older sister and brother. Their names were Miriam and Aaron. Amram died at the age of 137 years.

who was moses mother

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Who was Moses' mother?

For three months Moses' mother, Jochebed, tried to hide her son (because of the pharaon's order). And when she realized that she could not do more, she put the child in a papyrus basket and put it on the river Nile. The basket with the baby was noticed by the daughter of the pharaoh, who bathed nearby. She immediately realized that this was a Jewish child, but spared him.

Moses' sister, Miriam, watched all that happening. She told the girl that she knew a woman who could become a wet-nurse for the boy. Thus, Moses was brought up by his own mother. Later, Pharaoh's daughter adopted a child, and he began to live in the palace. They boy was educated. But with the milk of his mother, he absorbed the faith of his ancestors, and he could not worship the Egyptian gods.

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It was difficult for him to see and tolerate the cruelty to which his people were subjected. Once he witnessed a terrible beating of an Israelite. He simply could not pass by - he snatched the whip from the warden's hands and beat him to death. He thought no one saw what happened, but, soon Pharaoh ordered to find his daughter's son and kill him. And Moses had to flee from Egypt.

Moses settled in the Sinai desert. He married the priest's daughter, became a shepherd. Soon they had two sons - Gershom and Eliezer.

Shepherd Moses

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Every day he grazed a herd of sheep, but one day he saw a thorn bush that was burning with fire but did not burn out. Approaching the bush, Moses heard a voice that called him by name and told him to take off his shoes, since he was standing on the holy ground. It was the voice of God. He said that Moses was destined to save the Jewish people from the oppression of the Egyptian rulers. He must go to Pharaoh and demand that the Jews be set free, and in order for the people of Israel to believe him, God granted Moses the ability to do miracles.

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Moses in front of a burning bush

At that time, another Pharaoh ruled Egypt, not the one from which Moses fled. Moses was not so eloquent, so he went to the palace with his older brother Aaron, who became his voice. He asked the ruler to release the Jews to the promised land. But Pharaoh did not agree, but he began to demand even more from the Israel slaves. The Prophet did not accept his answer, he came to him with the same request more than once, but each time it was refused. And then God sent ten calamities to Egypt.

First, the waters of the Nile became blood. Only for the Jews it was clean and drinkable. The Egyptians managed to drink only the water that they bought from the Jews. But Pharaoh thought it was witchcraft and not a penalty from God.

The Ten Executions of Egypt: The Punishment of Blood

The second plague was the invasion of frogs. They were everywhere: on the streets, in houses, beds, and food. Pharaoh told Moses that he would believe that God sent this misfortune to Egypt if he did so that the frogs would disappear. And he agreed to release the Jews. But as soon as the toads disappeared, he refused his words.

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And then the Lord sent the bloodsucking insects to the Egyptians. Insects climbed into the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. Here already the sorcerers began to assure Pharaoh that this was a punishment from God. But he was adamant.

And then God brought down the fourth - gadflies. They stung people and cattle, giving no rest. Soon the livestock of the Egyptians began to die, while the Jews animals were fine. Of course, Pharaoh already understood that God protects the Israelites, but he refused to give them their freedom.

The Ten Executions of Egypt: Thunder, lightning and fiery hail

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And then the Egyptians began to become covered with terrible ulcers and abscesses, their bodies itched and festered. The ruler was seriously frightened, but God did not stop on that, so he sent down a fiery hail to Egypt.

The eighth punishment of the Lord was the invasion of locusts, they ate all the greens on their way, not a single blade of grass remained on the Egyptian land.

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Also, thick darkness fell on the Egypt, not a single light source scattered this darkness. Therefore, the Egyptians had to move to the touch. But the darkness grew denser every day, and it became more difficult to move until it was completely impossible. Pharaoh called Moses to the palace, he promised to let his people go, but only if the Jews leave their cattle, but the prophet did not agree to this.

The Ten Executions of Egypt: The Execution of the First-born

In one night all the first-born in Egyptian families died. To prevent this from happening to the Israelites babies, God ordered that every Jewish family killed a lamb, and the door frames in the houses were covered with blood. So that such death will not affect their families. After such terrible misfortune, Pharaoh released Moses and his people.

This event became known as the Hebrew word 'Pesach', which means 'passing.' The Passover festival, or Easter, is the day of deliverance of the Israeli people from the Egyptian captivity. Jews had to bake and eat the killed lamb while standing in the circle of the family. It is believed that over time this Easter has transformed into the one that people know now.

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On the way from Egypt, another miracle happened - the waters of the Red Sea parted before the Jews. They walked along the bottom, and so they managed to cross to the other side. But Pharaoh set out in pursuit of the Jews. But as soon as the people and Moses were ashore, the water closed again, burying both Pharaoh and his army into the abyss.

Moses pushes the sea

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After a three-month trip, people were at the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses ascended to its top in order to receive instruction from God. Dialogue with God lasted 40 days, and it was accompanied with terrible lightning, thunder, and fire. God gave the prophet two stone tablets, on which the 10 commandments were written.

At this time, the people sinned - they created the Golden Calf, to which people began to worship. Moses broke both the tablets and Taurus, after he saw the people sinning.

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Moses with the Commandments

The Ten Commandments became the law of God for men. Having accepted the commandments, the Jewish people promised to observe them, thus the sacred covenant was concluded between God and the Jews, in which the Lord promised to be merciful to the Jews, and they, in turn, were obliged to live right.

Where did Moses die?

For forty years Moses led the people through the wilderness, and his life ended close to the promised land. God commanded him to go up to Mount Nebo. And from the top, Moses saw the promised land, but he couldn't get there, he died on the mountain.

The Death of Moses

The place of his burial was hidden by God so that the people did not begin the pilgrimage to the grave of the prophet. As a result, Moses died at 120 years old. For 40 years he lived in the palace of pharaoh, 40 more - he lived in the desert and worked as a shepherd, and the last 40 - led the Jews people out of Egypt.

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: