Numbers in Hausa and Igbo
Do you need some help with numbers in Hausa and Igbo language? This post will help learn how to say numeric figures both in Hausa language and Igbo language.
Tips for learning numbers in Igbo language
Counting numbers in Igbo language is not difficult at all. You just need to memorize some numbers and understand the pattern of forming and saying the compound figures.
1. Memorise and know the specific words for numbers zero (0) to nine (9).
2. You don’t need to cram the words for the tens except for ten itself i.e. 20, 30, 40 and so on. The tens are written by adding the multiplier digit after the word for ten.
- 10 is Iri
- 20 will be Iri abụọ
- 30 will be Iri atọ. And so on.
3. The same rule applies for hundreds, i.e. 100, 200, 300, 400, and so on.
- 100 is Nnari
- 200 will be Nnari abụọ
- 300 will be Nnari atọ. And so on.
4. Likewise for Thousands, Millions and Billions.
- 1,000 is Puku, therefore 2,000 is Puku abụọ. And so on.
- 1,000,000 is nde, therefore Two Million is written as Nde abụọ, and so on.
- One Billion is Ijeri, therefore Two Billion is written as Ijeri abụọ. And so on.
5. Compound numbers are written by adding the conjunction “na” between the ten and the unit or between the hundred and ten and also between the ten and the unit. And so on. Check the examples below.
- To write 12, put the word join the word for ten and word for two with “na”
- 12 - iri na abụọ, 22 – iri abụọ na abuo
- 1,234 - puku na nnari abụọ na iri atọ na anọ
Numbers in Igbo language
- 0 - adigi
- 1 - otu
- 2 - abụọ
- 3 - atọ
- 4 - anọ
- 5 - ise
- 6 - isii
- 7 - asaa
- 8 - asato
- 9 - itoolu
- 10 - iri
- 11 - iri na otu
- 12 - iri na abụọ
- 13 - iri na atọ
- 14 - iri na anọ
- 15 - iri na ise
- 16 - iri na isii
- 17 - iri na asaa
- 18 - iri na asato
- 19 - iri na itoolu
- 20 – iri abụọ
- 21 – iri abụọ na otu
- 22 – iri abụọ na abuo
- 23 - iri abụọ na ato.
- 24 - iri abụọ na ano
- 25 - iri abụọ na ise
- 26 - iri abụọ na isii
- 27 - iri abụọ na asaa
- 28 - iri abụọ na asato
- 29 - iri abụọ na iteghete
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- 30 - iri ato
- 40 - iri ano
- 50 - iri ise
- 60 - iri isii
- 70 - iri asaa
- 80 - iri asato
- 90 - iri iteghete
- 100 - nnari
- 101 - nnari na otu
- 102 - nnari na abụọ
- 103 - nnari na atọ
- 104 - nnari na anọ
- 105 - nnari na ise
- 200 - nnari abụọ
- 300 - nnari atọ
- 400 - nnari anọ
- 500 - nnari ise
- 600 - nnari isii
- 700 - nnari asaa
- 800 - nnari asato
- 900 - nnari itoolu
- 1000 - puku
- 2000 - puku abụọ
- 3000 - puku atọ
- 4000 - puku anọ
- 5000 - puku ise
- 6000 - puku isii
- 7000 - puku asaa
- 8000 - puku asato
- 9000 - puku itoolu
- 10,000 - puku iri
- 20,000 - puku iri abụọ
- 30,000 - puku iri atọ
- 40,000 - puku iri anọ
- 50,000 - puku iri ise
- 60,000 - puku iri isii
- 70,000 - puku iri asaa
- 80,000 - puku iri asato
- 90,000 - puku iri itoolu
- 100,000 - puku nari
- 200,000 - puku nari abụọ
- 500,000 - puku nari ise
- 800,000 - puku nari asato
- 1,000,000 - nde
- 2,000,000 - nde abụọ
- 1,000,000,000 - ijeri
- 5,000,000,000 - ijeri ise
Numbers in Hausa language
Counting numbers in Hausa language is almost the same as the system in Igbo language:
- 0 - sifili
- 1 - daya
- 2 - biyu
- 3 - uku
- 4 - hudu
- 5 - biyar
- 6 - shidda
- 7 - bakwai
- 8 - takwas
- 9 - tara
- 10 - goma
- 11 - goma sha daya
- 12 - goma sha biyu
- 13 - goma sha uku
- 14 - goma sha hudu
- 15 - goma sha biyar
- 16 - goma sha shidda
- 17 - goma sha bakwai
- 18 - goma sha takwas
- 19 - goma sha tara
- 20 - ashirin
- 21 - ashirin da daya
- 22 - ashirin da biyu
- 23 - ashirin da uku
- 24 - ashirin da hudu
- 25 - ashirin da biyar
- 30 - talatin
- 40 - arbain
- 50 - hamsin
- 60 - sittin
- 70 - sabain
- 80 - tamanin
- 90 - tasani
- 100 - dari
- 200 - dari biyu
- 300 - ari uku
- 400 - dari hudu
- 500 - dari biyar
- 600 - dari shidda
- 700 - dari bakwai
- 800 - dari takwas
- 900 - dari tara
- 1000 - dubu
- 1001 - dubu daya da daya
Almost the same rules used in Igbo numbering apply to writing compound numbers is Hausa language. I hope this powt has been helpful to you.
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