Scheme of work for Nigerian primary schools and NERDC
Many basic education teachers and parents whose children are about to get their primary education in Nigeria are looking for the scheme of work for Nigerian primary schools. The country offers primary education along with detailed schemes of work, and anyone who is interested in this information can access it thanks to NERDC program.

The educational system in Nigeria
Different countries have their own educational systems, but many things are often in common. For example, all Nigerians know that their public education is controlled by the state in the face of the Ministry of Education.
The system of education consists of:
- Kindergartens for toddlers
- Primary education in Nigeria
- Secondary education
- Tertiary education
With different regions, a big number of public schools and teachers, the curriculum, and scheme of work differ from school to school. Still, there is a program designed to unite educational system in Nigeria and offer similar recommendations for basic education throughout the country.

Basic education & NERDC
When we discuss Nigerian educational system and basic education, it is necessary to mention NERDC. This 5-letter abbreviation is the short title of a program called Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council.
The NERDC’s goal is to improve the education system used across the country and help Nigerians develop and build a strong and successful nation. The program unites hundreds of professors and academics who help teachers and all interested researchers by developing electronic curriculum, books, various services, etc.
The council has its official website that can be accessed by teachers, pupils, and their parents to learn more about each theme and topic taught in primary schools.

Primary education scheme of work
According to Nigerian educational system, primary education here starts for kids who turn three years old and continue for the next 6 years as they enter a primary school. After all these years of studies, children get certificates for completing their primary education.
The scheme of work depends on the subjects Nigerian children study in public or private educational institutions, and this list includes:
- Christian religion studies
- English
- Mathematics
- One of the major Nigerian cultures (Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba)
- Arts
- The French language
- Other important subjects
Scheme of work for different basic subjects helps Nigerian teachers provide better knowledge for kids and parents learn more about what their young minds study. This can be helpful when you wish to prepare and successfully pass common entrance exams.
A scheme of work is like a guideline that outlines each course offered by basic education across Nigeria. It describes the structure, components, and content of the course to help teachers evaluate their pupils’ success and monitor educational progress against the course plan.
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While the short description of each course taught in primary schools 1-3 and 4-6 can be found on NERDC website, those people who wish to get to the details have to pay 12,500 Naira for Primary Curriculum that also works as a basic scheme of work for Nigerian primary schools.
Once you get the access, you can log in as:
- Teachers
- Student or pupil (this is how parents can also learn interesting details about the programs)
- School administration
The e-curriculum or scheme of work portal contains everything a school needs:
- Samples of teaching approaches and learning materials.
- List of resources that can help a teacher to get ready for interesting and useful lessons.
- List of topics for each subject by class (covering primary education from 1 to 6 grade and secondary education from 7 to 9 grade).
- Many other useful notes, samples, data, and helpful information.

The NERDC’s goal is to improve the education system used across the country and help Nigerians develop and build a strong and successful nation. The program unites hundreds of professors and academics who help teachers and all interested researchers by developing electronic curriculum, books, various services, etc.
All teachers from primary schools can access the scheme of work offered by NERDC, share and compare their notes, explore interesting teaching methods and resources, find new electronic books, collaborate with others, etc., and this will result in stronger and better basic education offered to all Nigerian children.
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