David Oyedepo biography

David Oyedepo biography

Are you searching for David Oyedepo biography? Even if it’s not your main purpose, you will be surprised to know some interesting facts from the biography of this great person. We recommend you to learn it.

David Oyedepo
Picture source: gospelhotspot.net

David Oyedepo is a really talented man who has made a lot of good things for Nigerian church and Christianity at all. His full name is David Olaniyi Oyedepo. Today David Oyedepo age is 63 and he has many titles. Firstly, he is the bishop of Living Faith Church Worldwide. He is known also as a Christian writer, preacher, architect and creator of many Christian organizations and movements. Do you know that Oyedepo’s Faith Tabernacle has one of the most larges congregation in the world with over 50,000 people?

According to some sources, during one Christian congregation in May of 1981 David had a revelation from God. Young servant realized that God called him to preach the Word of God all over the world. Since this, Christian activist and fighter for human souls has led many people to God. Her churches at first were small that included only 4-6 members. But then this number has been rising gradually.

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David Oyedepo biography
Picture source: gospelhotspot.net

Childhood, youth and history

The famous servant was born on 27 September 1954 in Osogbo, Osun state in Nigeria. David Oyedepo family was very religious. As is known his father Ibrahim practiced Islam. But David’s mother by the name of Dorcas was a Christian woman. Moreover, she belonged the Eternal Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement.

Oyedepo studied architecture at former Kwara State Polytechnic. He had even worked some time with the Federal Ministry of Housing. Then he decided to dedicate himself to missionary work. Some time later he became a Doctor of Philisophy in Honolulu University.

After the revelation in 1981 he decided to open the Living Faith Church World Wide. However, it’s former name is Liberation Faith Hour Ministries. In two years he and his wife were ordained the pastors of new church by Pastor Enoch Adeboye, five years after David and wife had been pastors of the church.

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Oyedepo biography
Picture source: redigionng.com

At first David served in Kaduna as pastor and bishop of Living Faith Church. However, then, in 1989 he got some signs from God and opened the same church in Lagos. According to his words, the inhabitants of this city needed to hear the Word of God and to be born again.

Today he is the author of more than 70 works about Christian life and his revelations. He is also famous as the Chairman of Dominion Publishing House. David Oyedepo’s Crown University is under development today and to be opened very soon.

Evangelical church of David Oyedepo

In 1998, according to the words of David, God told him to create a new base for the Commission. He explained that the increased number of worshipers needed it. Eventually, it led to the emergence of new building for David’s church service, it’s called Canaanland. Today this is the largest church hall called ‘Faith Tabernacle‘ with 50,000 seats. Moreover, this fact is also noted by the Guinness Book of World’s Records in 2005. It is known that construction of the building lasted about one year. According to some reports, builders completed the construction without any debts.

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David Oyedepo chucrch
Picture source: dayoemmanuel.wordpress.com

Cannanland also includes the church secretariat, a Kingdom heritage model school, the chapel for youth. Moreover, the building has Faith Academy with more than 1,500 students and also the Covenant University facilities with approximately 8000 students.

David Oyedepo became a member of Word of Faith Movement as a result of his Christian activity. He always notes the other participants of this Movement were, Gloria Copeland,Tommy Lee Osborn, Kenneth Copeland, Smith Wigglesworth, Kenneth Erwin Hagin and many other members.

He also remembers such servants as Enoch Adeboye and deceased Archbishop Benson Idahosa a. David says that these men were very good and respected mentors for him.

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Faith Oyedepo

Oyedepo met his wife Florence Abiola Akano at the beginning of his Christian path. It’s interesting that Florence is more famous now as Faith. They married in 1982.

David Oyedepo biography
Picture source: naijachurchnews.com

Moreover, he is a founder of David Oyedepo Ministries International. In addition, it is the head organization of many other Christian institutions:

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  • Living Faith Church World Wide;
  • Dominion Publishing House;
  • World Mission Agency;
  • the Social Development Missions projects and others.

As you can see David Oyedepo has not only strong faith. The servant of God, of course, demonstrates it in all possible ways. But he is also famous as good leader and founder of many organizations. He helps other servants to become the leaders, pastors and bishops. David has deep knowledge of all leadership aspects. That’s why, we are not surprised that he has criticized disorder in the country including corruption. He always wanted to change something in Nigeria and Africa in general.

David Oyedepo family

David’s family is a real testimony of his faith. Each of family member is also dedicated to God and diligently serves Him. His family with four children does everything to spread the Gospel and put people on the right path.

David Oyedepo family
Picture source: informationng.com

For example, in spring 2007 his two sons Isaac and David Junior were appointed pastors. David and his wife serve in the London Branch of the Church. And the second son with his wife are the pastors in Winners’ Chapel International. David and Florence also have two other children named Joyce and Love.

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Actually, David Oyedepo has very rich biography. We can see that he tries to do something special for Africa and the whole world.

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Source: Legit.ng

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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at Legit.ng where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: adriannasimwa@gmail.com