Who is the youngest president in the world?
Who were the youngest men in the whole world to gain the power and responsibility of ruling a whole country? Do you want to know who is the youngest president in the world? Keep reading to believe that age is just a number which has nothing to do with the capability of the ruling.

‘If I were the president ...’ Many of us think about it sometimes. But the post of the president of the country is more often a burden, a responsibility, and hard work. It’s not a privilege, at least for a person who cares about their country. No wonder that such power is associated with a venerable age. After all, an effective manager must be experienced in order to fulfill his/her duties successfully. That is why in most countries, the age limit is set for candidates willing to compete for the main chair of the state. To take part in the election fever, the participants must be in their 30s. But the electorate gives preference to the experience. That’s how it was until recently until a generation of millennials entered the game. Today, politics is getting younger. So who is the youngest president in the world?
Top of the youngest presidents in the world
Before we’ll find out who the youngest president in the whole world is, let’s see, which countries are run currently or were run by young politicians in the past?
Joseph Kabila

Joseph Kabila, the fourth president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, opens our list. Laurent’s Kabila firstborn son, he had become the head of the state after his father was killed. At that time he was 29, and despite the lack of political experience, Joseph did a lot to put an end to long and exhausting civil war in the Congo. In 2006, the first democratic elections in the history of the independent Congo took place. And Joseph Kabila won.
Yahya Jammeh

The former President of the Gambia who ruled the country from 1994 to 2017. He gained the power after the coup d'état when 29-year-old Yahya with four other young military officers had overthrown Dawda Jawara. This coup was bloodless and after it had happened Yahya Jammeh was elected to the position of president.
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Mikheil Saakashvili

Ex-president of Georgia come to power in 2002 as a result of a political coup known as the Rose Revolution, when protestors seized the parliament. Nearly 97 percent of voters voted for Mikheil Saakashvili, a 37-year-old, candidate.
Faure Gnassingbé

He is the current President of the Republic of Togo. In 2005, after the death of his father, the previous ruler of Togo, he swore an oath, as a caretaker, in the name of stability in the country. Although under the country laws, these powers did not belong to him, but to the National Assembly President Fambaré Ouattara. That is why, after Faure had claimed himself acting president, the society, and the neighboring states called his actions illegitimate. Gnassingbé gave up the post to Ouattara, and he appointed the date of the elections, in which Gnassingbe won supported by the armed forces. At that time he was 38.

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Dmitry Medvedev

This person is the current Prime Minister and the former President of Russian Federation. He was elected to the presidency in March 2008, with the active, all-round Vladimir’s Putin support. Dmitry Medvedev took the presidency in 43. Is Medvedev the person who is the youngest president in the whole world? No. But he was the youngest leader in the history of the USSR and Russia.
Felipe Calderón

Felipe Calderón is the former President of Mexico, who has been holding this position for 6 years, from 2006 to 2012. A lawyer and economist by education, he became the head of Mexico at the age of 43, with the slimmest margin of 0.5% against his rival.
Who is the youngest president ever in the world?
So, all the heads of states seem to be older than thirty, or at least, have approached this milestone. It seems to be an undoubtful rule, right? But every rule has an exception. And the island of Haiti was such exception. Jean-Claude Duvalier was only 19 years old when he was proclaimed a lifelong president of Haiti, after the death of his father, dictator Francois Duvalier.

Duvalier, Jr., who died in 2014, is still known as the youngest president ever known in the world. His government in Haiti lasted 15 years and was stopped by a military coup.
Current youngest president in the world
History is always interesting, but what about our time? Well, now the youngest president in the world controls France. His name is Emmanuel Macron.

In May 2017, Macron, who heads the En Marche! movement became president of France. And although a significant part of the French supported Marine Le Pen, the victory of the more pro-European Macron did not come as a surprise. Do you want to know how old is the youngest president in the world? He was born on December 21, 1977. He is only 41 years old.
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Source: Legit.ng