How to remove pimples naturally and permanently at home?
A pimple is an inflammatory swelling of the skin that you will like to remove forever. How to remove pimples forever? It`s also contamination of microbes that may cause the formation of reddish pop-ups. This painful formation can destroy your natural beauty! That`s why you should remove pimples immediately! This guide will answer the Top 15 FAQ about how to remove pimples!

How to remove pimples from face?
There are a lot of lotions and medicines that can help you to remove pimples. They occur on shoulders, back, neck and face. Nevertheless, it`s not a critical condition for your skin, but it may cause some troubles. Still, what are the main causes of pimples?
There are a lot of different option that may cause the skin to break out. The inflammation of the skin happens when sebaceous organs make skin to get more oil. Therefore, this oil is delivered to the upper layers of the skin to prevent it from damage.

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Alongside the oil, you will get the quickening development of the skin cells. Therefore, they form around the pores and other openings that help various bacteria to get under the skin. The causes of overall skin inflammation include:
- Hereditary. Your family may be the reason of constant arriving of pimples into your life;
- Beautifying Agents. You won`t believe it, but some beauty agents may actually cause pimples. The reason for that may be quite various. One of it is the stopping of pores from breathing;
- Medicines. Intake of specific pills may cause an allergic reaction on your skin. It can also be a part of side effects of different medicine pills;
- Dirt. The most obvious reasons for getting pimples are dirt. The absences of cleanliness may lead to various irritations on your skin. Therefore, following the general rules of hygiene is a pretty obvious solution to reduce the outbreak of pimples;
- Stress. It`s another big reason for pimples to come out of your skin. The hormonal imbalance caused by stress creates the outbreak of oil into your skin. The extreme anxiety increases the heartbeat, sweat and leads to possible pimple outbreak.
- Diet. In general, your diet may get your skin too much fat and oil. If you prefer to eat junk food, then you should expect the major misbalance in your hormones. Junk food does not provide enough vitamins and minerals for your skin. Moreover, it brings the excess of oil and fats that create pimples. That`s how you can get obesity together with oily pimpled skin!
Top 15 Frequently asked questions about how to remove pimples home remedies!
1. How to remove pimples with ice?

Ice can be a perfect way to reduce the inflammation, redness, and swelling of the pimples. Ice can increase blood circulation to the damaged area and tighten the skin pores. That`s how you can reduce skin oil and dirt. Use ice cubes or crushed ice on the affected area to remove pimples. You may need to wrap it in a piece of cloth for your convenience.
2. How to remove pimples with honey?

Honey is rich in antioxidants that may reduce the oily skin from pimples. Moreover, the raw honey that you get from bees is extremely helpful for your skin. The Antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties create a wonderful effect of treating swelling and pimples. The enzymes and hydrogen peroxide is the main players of getting your pimples reduced. You can apply the raw honey on your pimples for several times a day and get almost instant results from the treatment!
3. How to remove pimples with baking soda?

One of the best features for baking soda is its ability to dry the skin, which reduces the overall problem with excess oil! It also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can help you to get rid of any dirt. Nonetheless, you have to be extremely cautious if you have sensitive skin. Baking soda can bring some negative side effects for people with sensitive skin.
Moreover, you should avoid using soda on a regular basis. Twice per week is more than enough! If you need to use baking soda, then you will need to mix it with water. The ideal proportion would be two tablespoons of soda and two tablespoons of water. Mix them until you get a smooth paste. After that, you can apply this paste on your pimples.
4. How to remove pimples using Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is a super remedy that can get your skin clean and healthy with no problems. Aloe Vera has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-acne properties that get your pimples reduced. How to reduce pimples from oily skin? Apply pure aloe vera on the spot with your pimples.
Aloe Vera will boost your blood circulation, and it can be applied overall on your face. This remedy may also be mixed with honey and lemon to improve the overall effect on your skin.
5. How to remove pimples using egg white?

Egg white has been long used as a natural remedy to keep your skin fresh and clean. Egg white dry on the face and help you to clean the pores and lift the dirt from the face. You will need to secure your hair from egg white. Your hair may create additional discomfort to your face if it gets stuck to your skin.
You may mix egg white and apply on the spot to your pimples. Egg white is a fantastic natural remedy that you can use to clear your skin almost every day!
6. Does lime remove pimples?

The short answer is "yes." Lime is also filled with various nutrients and provides anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, you can just apply lime juice on your skin to make it a little bit dryer. Nevertheless, do not apply lime juice to often!
Lime juice contains the citric acid which helps safely peel off the upper layer of the skin. You can also improve its properties by mixing with milk. Lime juice and milk together create an ultimate weapon against pimples! Just apply this mixture a few times a day and you will get a perfect skin in three days!
If you want to keep your face clear, you may also try to drink lime juice! It`s filled with vitamin C and fiber that will boost up your immune system. Therefore, you will get less problems with acne, scars and pimples.
7. Does steaming remove pimples?

Steaming is the most natural way of clearing your pores. It helps to clear the dirt on your skin and increases your blood circulation. Therefore, a good steaming bath can be quite a good option for removing pimples!
When stream is applied to a face, it helps you to soften your skin. Therefore, the pores become more loose and it allows the dirt to go away easily. This process may also help people who suffer from severe acne condition.
8. Does garlic remove pimples?

If you have a sensitive skin, then it`s not recommended to use garlic to remove pimples. Garlic can develop rashes and additional irritation in the pimple area. Therefore, it`s not recommended for people with a sensitive skin as marks from garlic may not be easy to eliminate!
Marie Leger, an assistant professor of dermatology in New-York University, provides the idea that Garlic can be pretty damaging for a skin. Moreover, garlic has a distinctive odor that can surely destroy any desire to use it several times.
Still, some beauty vloggers, like Farah Dhukai, recommend Garlic as another remedy that can save your skin from scars and pimples. Still, it`s up to you to decide whether you want to crash garlic into your skin. Nonetheless, it`s better to ask a dermatologist first. If you have some kind of allergy to garlic, then you shouldn't apply garlic on your skin.
9. Does Vaseline remove pimples?

Vaseline is an incredible way to soften your skin. Moreover, dermatologists recommend to use Vaseline for people with eczema. Nonetheless, Vaseline may not be as effective against acne or pimples. Petroleum jelly is comedogenic by its nature. What does it mean? It means that it will clog your pores. Therefore, it will provide less space for your skin to breath.
Dr. Ted Lain, a dermatologist from Austin, Texas, informs that Vaseline will not help you to reduce the pimples problem. Moreover, it can cause pimples. Therefore, it's not recommended to apply Vaseline on your face!
10. Does alcohol remove pimples?
A lot of experts may ask you to be cautious about rubbing your face with alcohol to remove pimples. Rubbing alcohol will provide you a dry effect on the skin. Alcohol may seem to reduce the oiliness of your skin, but at the same time it shrinks the pores. The effect of using alcohol on your skin may be quite temporarily.
That`s how you can only postpone the problem, but not treat it! Rubbing alcohol may be to drying for your skin. Therefore, you will cause more damage than good. Your skin will try to fight with the effect of alcohol. It means more oil to your pores and more pimples.
Most dermatologist will tell you that treating skin with alcohol is a no go. It can be a temporarily solution when you need to quickly get rid of pimples. Nonetheless, if you use alcohol too much you can make your skin to dry and even damage it!
11. Does mouthwash remove pimples?

Mouthwash has antiseptic properties that can help you to clean your wound or popped out pimple. Nevertheless, the reason for the antiseptic properties is alcohol which can significantly dry your skin. That`s why it`s not totally recommended to use mouthwash as an everyday remedy for your pimples.
12. Can tomato remove pimples?
Tomatoes are filled with vitamins and antioxidants which can help you to destroy your pimples. You will need to use only fresh fully grown tomatoes on your skin to get rid of pimples. They will increase the protection factor of your skin and reduce the redness in the affected area.
You will need to smash a fresh tomato and mix it with some water. After that, you can apply it to your face. Repeat this procedure once in a day to get the maximum effect from it.
13. Does toothpaste remove pimples?

Toothpaste can be another good remedy to quickly remove your pimple. If you are in a hurry – you can wash your face with some warm water. After that, you will need to clean your face dry and apply a small portion of toothpaste on your pimple. Wait for at least two hours to let the pimple dry. If everything is ok, you can remove the pimple using a damp washcloth!
14. Which food removes pimples?
You can also regulate your pimple outburst if you stick to a certain diet. It`s proven that eating low-glycemic foods may simply reduce the risk of developing acne. Moreover, complex carbohydrates may also be a perfect solution if you want to get rid of acne! You can find complex cabs in food, like:
- Fruits;
- Vegetables;
- Legumes;
- Whole grains.
It`s also perfect for your skin to eat food with Zinc, antioxidants and filled with vitamin A & E. It provides the greatest benefits onto your skin. You can find the necessary minerals and vitamins in tomatoes, oranges, limes, carrots, apricots, spinach, sweet potatoes and green vegetables.
15. How to remove pimples marks/scars?
If you manage to destroy your pimple, you will certainly have another problem – it`s mark from this pimple. Fortunately, you can remove this mark with the same remedies for removing pimples. For instance, Aloe Vera can soften your skin and help you to reduce the area of the scar. You can also use lime to ease up the pain from a pimple scar.
In general, you will need to soften and clear your skin after removing a pimple. It`s possible to do that using vegetables and fruits filled with antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
Natural remedies may not be as effective as medical pills, but they certainly have a positive effect on your skin. Moreover, natural remedies provide fewer side effects and almost no possibility for an allergic reaction.
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