Fundamental duties of a citizen in Nigeria by the Constitution
Fundamental duties of a citizen in Nigeria are specified in the Constitution. Is this list exhaustive? Continue reading to learn how to understand them all in right way.

Fundamental duties of a citizen in Nigeria
The Constitution of Nigeria contains a very clear list of duties for the citizens of its country. Below we give the direct text taken from this document.
"It shall be the duty of every citizen to:
- (A) abide by this Constitution, respect its ideals and its institutions, the National Flag, the National Anthem, the National Pledge, and legitimate authorities;
- (B) help to enhance the power, prestige and good name of Nigeria, defend Nigeria and render such national service as may be required;
- (C) respect the dignity of other citizens and the rights and legitimate interests of others and live in unity and harmony and in the spirit of common brotherhood;
- (D) make a positive and useful contribution to the advancement, progress, and well-being of the community where he resides;
- (E) render assistance to appropriate and lawful agencies in the maintenance of law and order;
- (F) declare his income honestly to appropriate and lawful agencies and pay his tax promptly."

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Let’s bring more details on each of these paragraphs.
- Everything is clear with the first of them. Every Nigerian citizen has to respect national ideals and institutions. This paragraph is simple and quite expansive, but it has to be on this place nonetheless.
- 2nd paragraph is more exact and it brings with itself some additional duties for the citizens of Nigeria. This means, that in the case of war on the territory of Nigeria, the male part of it would be required to join the ranks of the armed forces to defend their country.
- The 3rd, there are such important rights as the right to live, the right of personal space etc. All of these rights must be respected by a good Nigerian citizen.
- The D paragraph sounds fairly free, but it also has some feedback for the citizens. For example, some aggressive and illegal moves against or inside Nigerian community are prohibited. On the other hand, the government does not control your positive growth in such society.
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- The last F paragraph has a quite clear word about the tax duty of Nigerian citizen. You have to declare your income and pay taxes accordingly to such incomes. If you do not, then again, you can be punished.

Duty to participate in public processes
The Constitution has a clear direction that every Nigerian citizen has a duty to take part in elections, this is the honorable right of each Nigerian citizen, and you have the right of refusal as well. But, the Constitution and other main laws have to motivate people to use this right regularly.

As well, there is also a significant right to participate in the public meetings, in particular, such as a referendum. This is also a strong tool in the hands of democratic society. This right should be lobbied more intensively as well.
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