How to delete a Facebook page permanently?
Facebook is getting more and more popular, but some people want to delete their Facebook account for reasons best known to them. For these people we have prepared detailed instructions below.

Step-by-step instruction on how to delete a facebook account permanently
If you seriously intended to delete your Facebook account, you are not alone. No matter why you decide to do it, for privacy reasons or to remove all distractions, the removal process will take much more time than you think. There is no universal "Delete" button for this, but there is instruction, thanks to which you can say goodbye to this social network forever.
Note that to delete and to deactivate is not the same thing. Deactivation will cause your content to disappear from Facebook until you unlock the account. The deleting means that you will never be able to enter your profile again. So think one more time, if you are ready for 100% to leave the social network and remove all your information from it.
For those who decided to delete Fb account, we prepared step-by-step instruction.
Backup copy
While your account still exists, save all information from it - photos, contacts or birthdays data of friends. The access to this information will be lost after the deleting.

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We recommend you to save a copy of the Facebook data in a ZIP-file format. The archive will contain all your posts including photos and videos. Here the way to do it:
- Go to account settings
- Click on the "general" in the upper left corner
- Click on "Download a copy of your Facebook data"
- Click the "Start Backup" button
- Enter your password of the account, and the download will begin.
- Save this file in a safe place on your computer
According to the Facebook user agreement, when you delete your photos and videos (in the language of Facebook this is called IP content) or the entire account, the data is removed according to the principle of the desktop recycle bin. The content is unavailable for anyone but stored for "reasonable period" in the archives of the social network.
Related apps
Facebook is very integrated into our daily online life, and we use it to enter different applications, sites, and services. It saves time and helps these applications to provide us with more personalized services. But do not forget that at the same time we also give developers the access to our precious data, our user ID, everything that we share, and even our list of friends.

You can check which services you connect via Facebook in the general settings of your account. To do this, click on the "Applications" tab in the list that is on the left side of the screen. The trick is that you need to reconfigure the authorization way for all these applications, and you should do this before deleting your account.
Disconnecting apps from your account
After the reconfiguring of authorization way in these applications, it is time to disconnect all these sites from your Facebook account. To do this, click on the cross opposite each of them, and then confirm your intention by clicking on the "Delete" button.
After that, click on "Edit" at the top of the list of applications and disable the platform. And now the developers of these applications no longer have access to your Facebook account.
History of Facebook account
After deleting your Facebook account, all your notes, comments and likes disappear. But to be safe clear your account history, before deleting an account.

Click on the "View activity log" button, which is on the cover of your account, and go to the log. After that, delete each item of the list by clicking on the pencil icon.
Go through all the tabs of the left sidebar. Do not miss anything if you want to do everything correctly.
It's no accident that the Facebook account deleting page is hidden as pirate treasures.
If you still can not find it, go to, and then enter your login and password. Click the button "Delete my account" and confirm that you want to do this. Then go to the email and make sure that the removal process is running. If you don’t see the corresponding letter, check the spam folder.

After deleting, do not log in to Facebook for at least 14 days. Otherwise, the account will be restored. According to the rules of Facebook data using, a complete deletion of the account will take a month of time, but your information will be stored on the server for 90 days in a backup copy format.
Now you know the answer to the question how to delete my Fb account, just follow the steps of this article and your page will be deleted permanently.
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