Meaning of 'agro-allied' and its synonyms
Since Nigeria has a big potential in the agriculture industry, it is important to understand the meaning of agro-allied. What is it? Is there a relationship between agro-allied products and agriculture? Let’s understand the term and see the example of such products.

Agro-allied definition
What does phrase ‘agro-allied’ mean? Agro-allied term consists of two words:
- ‘agro’ meaning ‘crop production’
- ‘allied’ meaning ‘relating to’
In other words, agro-allied is the industry that is closely related to cultivating soils, growing plants, and producing crops and cannot be successful without raw materials.
Agro-allied industries meaning
Now, after defining the agro-allied phrase, let us understand what agro-allied industries mean. This industrial sector is using raw agricultural resources to produce consumer goods.

Agro-allied products meaning
Knowing the meaning of agro-allied industry, you can guess what agro-allied products exist and how they depend on raw materials grown by farmers on fields.
Agriculture is a huge sphere that supplies various products used by different industries. For example, soap industry can’t survive without oil (seeds); paper industry has to use pulp wood; sugar industry is based on sugar cane etc.
It is impossible to produce tires for vehicles without agricultural rubber latex product. Beverages will not appear on the store shelves without cocoa, tea, and coffee. Humans would have to live without textile if agricultural sector didn’t grow cotton.
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There would be no tobacco production without tobacco leaves. No one would be able to can fruit in the summer to eat in the winter or sell in stores without raw fruit and berries. Breweries and feed mill fully depend on cereals and grains. Oil mining would be impossible without oil seeds and it is hard to imagine starch production without maize and cassava.
You can see how raw products produced by agriculture and farmers have become an integral part of successful agro-allied industries. The diversification of economy and usage of raw materials in the manufacturing field is a great strategy for more revenue and further economic development.
READ ALSO: 10 agro based industries in Nigeria