5 surprising Nigerian foods that kill pot belly & help with weight loss
If you are a man with pot belly or a woman with belly fat or perhaps you just want to lose fat around your arms or other part of your body, this article will help you; read it to the end!
My name is Damilola, a health & fitness coach and for the past 2 years I have been helping over weight men and women like you get their dream body without taking expensive pills( that don’t even work) or crazy diet plans that starve you.
What I have discovered is that a fraction of our Nigerian foods are extremely fatty and filled with lots of calories.
Here are the Nigerian Foods That Are Low in Calorie and Burns Fat.
Why we chose these foods as fat burner is simple, they are low in calorie high in fiber
1. Brown Rice

Popularly known as Ofada, this meal is bae especially with a rich orisirisi stew ( I am already drooling!). It has a high fiber content which keeps bowel movement at a peak, therefore making digestion much easier.
It also makes the tummy feel full so you can afford to eat smaller meal portions. And it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.
2. Vegetables

Now you didn’t expect me to skip this one did you? Vegetables go a long way to help shrink belly fat fast especially when you eat them in the right way.
They help with ease of bowel movement by helping with easy digestion. One amazing thing about eating vegetables is that you can eat plates full of them without having to worry about the calories. However, do not overcook them!
3. Plantain

Plantains are a slightly bigger, starchier, and less sweet member of the banana family. Like their cousin, plantains are a great source of resistant starch, containing nearly 3 grams in a half-cup when cooked.
In most places, plantain (ripe or unripe) is either roasted, boiled or fried and consumed with or without accompaniment – to help you feel full for long.
The delicious combination of “boli” and fish stew or groundnut is a life saver. This beauty is one of the best sources of potassium and fiber in the whole world, boosting the immune system and helping with digestion. Another advantage of plantain is the different ways you can have it, whether it’s grilled, steamed or even boiled. You can enjoy it as a meal or a snack!
4. Fish

Fish is rich in omega 3 and omega 6. It’s an amazing source of protein which is highly needed to shrink belly fat fast. The trick with fish however is not to fry away all of its nutrients as a lot of us are used to doing. So, rather than boil, fry and then cook with stew, try stewing or steaming.
I’m sure your will agree these foods are within reach and cheap too. If you make it a big part of your diet you will be sure to get positive results gradually.
5. Sweet potatoes

Like the Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes are a great source of slimming resistant starch, which triggers feelings of satiety. But they also boast nutritional benefits all of their own: just one baked sweet potato contains 438% of your daily vitamin A (versus 1% in a white potato), 37% of your daily vitamin C, as well as calcium, potassium, and iron.
They’re also low-calorie (about 105 in a medium sweet potato) and contain 4 grams of filling dietary fiber, 16% of the daily recommended amount.
I’m sure your will agree these foods are within reach and cheap too. If you make it a big part of your diet you will be sure to get positive results gradually.
Now with these 5 foods been added to your diet you have started your journey to losing fat naturally.
But There Is A Superfast And Better Way..
All these foods will help you get rid of pot belly or lose weight but there is a special detox tea that I added to my daily diet will speed up the fat loss process.
This detox tea sped up my body’s metabolic process helping me lose weight at such an accelerated rate. Within two months of taking this tea, people who knew me before never recognized me as I lost a whooping 18kg in just 2 months of use.
Do You Want To Get Rid Of Pot Belly and Lose That Excess Weight That Is Weighing Your Life Down Just Like Me?
If your answer is yes then let me introduce you to
The Slim Up Detox Tea

This product which is created with the help of health experts was developed as a internal body cleansing system with 100 percent natural ingredients.. every overweight person can take to lose weight and get a flatter belly in the shortest time possible with no side effect.
The SlimUp Detox Tea is an exclusive blend of Lemongrass, Ginseng, Sencha Green Tea and Moringa is packed with naturally cleansing ingredients to clean your colon, purify your body and boost your metabolism.
Let Me Show You How Slim Up Detox Tea Will Work For You
SlimUP Detox Tea contains powerful ingredients such as Ginseng and now let me show you how this will help you speed up the tummy fat burning within 3-6 weeks or less.
Helps You Burn Fat Faster Than You Store It: SlimUp detox tea contains the powerful ginseng root used by Chinese men for over 2000 years. Ginseng has been proven to boost fat burning in the body. When taken as a tea, ginseng goes to areas where exercise and dieting might not reach when it comes to burning fat. It helps your body decrease fat storage in unwanted areas of the body such as waist, hands, neck and tummy.
Increases The Body’s Metabolic Rate: As we grow older our body’s metabolic rate decreases making us store fat instead of naturally burning it. SlimUp Detox tea contains green tea which helps speed up the metabolic rate like when you were just 15 years old helping you shed fat through the body’s sweat, urine and excreta. This will help in bowel movement too so you can develop flat tummy.
Contains Anti-oxidant That Detoxifies The Body’s Lipid And Cholesterol: Anti-oxidants are very powerful when it comes to burning tummy fat and losing weight altogether. They get rid of your body’s sugar and cholesterol levels, they also help maintain it.
It clears the colon off harmful toxins.
Anti-oxidants also helps prevent diseases associated with being fat such as diabetes, high blood pressure and the worst of all a cancer.
Don’t just take my words for it.
Here are some of the transformation of a fraction of our buyers who has had success with the breakthrough weight loss solution.

I used to have a protruding stomach that made me look shapeless in my gowns and dresses. I was introduced to this Slimup Detox Tea and it has worked wonders for my tummy. The picture above happened within just 2 month of taking this tea…..Awesome.
Chizoba Iwekuba –Abuja, Nigeria.

When I started taking this SlimUp Detox Tea program I vowed that I wont take piture of myself till my mum stays I should stop, it is the third month and even a blind man can see that this tea is working. Am so grateful for SlimUp Detox Tea.
Nancy Abosede - Lagos, Nigeria.

I used to be a heavy drinker back then but I decided to stop the habit. After I stopped drinking, I was stuck with this annoying big tummy that you see on the left picture. I tried so many stuff just to get rid of it but it was hard. My struggles ended when I started taking this Slimup Detox Tea. Now my pot belly has disappeared and I look handsome as ever.
Patrick Tochukwu - Ondo, Nigeria.
I could fill up this page with transformation pictures and unsolicited testimonials of people like you, this amazing breakthrough SlimUp Detox Program has helped. But it might still not convince you so I am giving you..
60 FULL Days So You Will Have Plenty Of Time To Prove To Yourself That My Secret Really Does Work!

This means that you will have a full 2 months to use the SlimUp Detox tea and prove it will help you lose weight and burn belly fat.
If at the end of this time, you have not lost up to 20kg by the end of this time, you can ask for your purchase price back and I will refund it 100% in FULL.
Why am I doing this? The answer is simple
You see, I know you will lose weight after you use this SlimUp Detox Tea. There is not a single doubt in my mind. But since you do not know me. . . and. . . because I am not a doctor, or anything like that, I figured this would be a good way to put your mind at ease.
Because, if you don’t like it, you can call or email my office supplying us your bank details (anytime within the next 60 days) and I will immediately send your money back.
But I don’t think you are going to do that. I think the day you get delivery of the Slim Up Detox Tea will be the happiest day of your life and, almost immediately. . .
You’re Going To Start Losing Weight
Faster And Easier Than
You Ever Thought Possible!
Infact in the next 3-6 weeks from now using the SlimUp Detox,Here is what would happen to you
• "You are looking sexier”. Those would be the EXACT words your husband/wife will say to you when they see your body transformation.
• You will lose upto 20 kg of unwanted fat..pot belly would be gone for life..
• You will look a lot younger and fitter and have a super attractive perfect hour glass figure that will make everyone who walk past you to turn around for a second look.
• Your big belly will flatten! (This Slimup Detox would make it happen)
• You will be able to wear those short sleeve tops that draws attention to you and makes you feel like a rockstar!
Here’s How To Get Your Own SlimUp Detox Tea Today
We have Only 100 packs of the SlimUp Detox tea available and its strictly first come first serve!
The price for 2 packs of SlimUp Detox is N19,500 which Contains 48 tea bags in total.
But we are currently running a promo on the SlimUp Detox Tea
If you are lucky enough to be among those that will order for it today, you will pay just N15,000. But If you will be ordering from tomorrowThe price is N19,500 flat.. You can still enjoy N4,500 discount if you order today!
If you place order for 2 packs of the SlimUp Detox Tea today you would get it for.
2 Packs goes for N15,000 (free delivery to every state in Nigeria)
To erase the fear of been scammed we now offer Payment on delivery to any part of Nigeria.
You will only pay when this product has been physically brought down to you face-to-face by our courier company. We call it ==> Pay on Delivery.
Warning: Before you send in your order details, make sure you meet the following criteria:
1. You are aware that the product image above is the exact product you're going to receive,
2. You have your money ready with you.(N15,000)
3. You are available within the delivery period, usually from 2-6 days depending on your location.
NOTE: We don’t sell one pack, because we want people to get outstanding result, please don’t call or request for one pack.
To order, quickly send us the following details as text message to 0705-5602-135
• Your full names,
• Your full address:
• SlimUp
Once we receive your details, one of our agents will contact you, and thereafter dispatch your order.
You receive it within within 2-4 working days... and pay the dispatch rider upon delivery.
We deliver to every state in Nigeria,even Sambisa forest
You can also walk into Our Lagos Office to get your SlimUp Detox @: 17,tokunbo alli street,off toyin, Ikeja,Lagos
Ignoring this SlimUp Detox tea puts you at risk of developing stomach cancer which arises as a result of too much fat in the stomach. Diabetes mellitus and also high blood pressure arises from excess fat and cholesterol in the body.
SlimUp Detox Tea has the ingredients that can take care of that excess fat but if you fail to take advantage of this offer you risk being stuck with pot belly for the rest of your life which then leads to other life threatening ailments. According to scientific discovery, tummy fat can never go away once you reach a certain age, so why not take care of it now.
The ball is in your court.
Thanks as I really hope you don't miss out in the available slots.
I look forward to hearing your fat/weight loss testimonial.
Sincerely yours,
For : SlimUp-Detox Team
Source: Legit.ng