Thread hairstyles in Nigeria
A girl with thread hairstyle in Nigeria definitely captures attention. Such Nigerian hairstyles attract great attention and look quite beautiful. Would you like to try these hairstyles? Read the article and learn more on this subject.

This hairstyle allows you to stand out from the crowd and emphasize your individuality. This hairstyle began in ancient times and still remain at the peak of popularity among a number of young ladies.

Actually, there is a very important reason for making thread hairstyles. These kinds of hairstyles often take different forms like Shuku hairstyle and act as protection for your hair. So, many girls tend to opt for these Nigerian hairstyles to keep their hair in good condition and to preserve their healthy look.

Create a vivid hairstyle
Here you will find out how to make Yoruba traditional thread hairstyles at home!
• Before starting, you need to prepare some material for African thread braids.

• The best option is a Black Chinese thread.
• Start from the bottom or top as you wish. Divide your hair into several parts for further convenience.

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• Take some hair strands and comb it.
• Take your thread and start weaving it around hair strand up to the end.
• Secure the ends.
• Repeat this for all the remaining sections of the hair
• Admire your African thread braids.
For a better understanding of main steps of making African thread braids, take a look at these thread hairstyles in Nigeria pictures and watch the video below.

READ ALSO: Nigerian hairstyles for ladies