Top 10 causes of insecurity in Nigeria and solutions to them
Insecurity in Nigeria is a significant reason why the growth and development of the country are affected. Even though the country is blessed, getting a lasting solution to this problem is still a major concern to the government and its citizens. Listed below are the major causes of insecurity in Nigeria and the solutions to them.

Source: UGC
The country is blessed with lots of precious natural resources. Nigeria also has some of the best brains in the world. The unfortunate thing is that even though Nigeria is referred to as the giant of Africa, the country does not live up to its identity.
What are the causes of insecurity in Nigeria?
What are the causes of insecurity? A lot of things have been found as the cause of insecurity in Nigeria. Some of the problems in Nigeria and solutions are discussed below:
1. Unemployment
The overwhelming unemployment rate in the country is capable of causing panic. The issue is especially obvious when it comes to Nigerian youths. According to the statistics, every tenth young citizen of the country is officially unemployed.
Another statistic provided by the NBS as of 2019 showed that the unemployment rate in the country has risen to 23.1%. Considering unemployment in Nigeria's causes, effects, and solutions, it is evident that rapid population growth is a significant cause of this menace.
Also, the recent decline in the country's economy is another cause. Unfortunately, many people have been laid off, while new jobs are not created.
2. Corruption

Source: UGC
In 2021, Transparency International placed Nigeria in the 146th position out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perceptions Index, scoring 26 out of 100.
Corrupt Nigerian politicians have become a turn-off for international investors. Unfortunately, corruption has already become a part of life in the country. Unfortunately, it forms part of the economic problems in Nigeria today.
3. Imbalance
Different parts of the country have different speeds of development. Due to this, the country's oil-rich regions feel disturbed when the federal government use their oil and does not develop their society.
People of these regions feel cheated because of that. They want to take justice into their hands. That is why they vandalise oil pipelines.
4. Weak judicial system
The weak judicial system is one of the biggest causes of insecurities in Nigeria. People feel insecure when criminals and terrorists go free. Many evil-minded people think that money can buy freedom in the country; unfortunately, the corrupt system proves this line of thought.
Rich people can buy freedom in the country, which the poor masses do not feel secure about. Therefore, the judicial system in the country should be changed, and there may be only one answer to that – transparency.
5. "Open" borders
The country has borders that are poorly guarded. Insurgents from other countries can infiltrate the country with no problem. This situation is especially dangerous in the North East. The federal government cannot provide enough troops to secure the borders. Porous coastal borders are the main cause of terrorism in the country.
6. A high influx of arms
Smugglers use the porous coastal borders of the country to sell arms. The corruption and weak judicial systems only help smugglers to sell even more guns. They provide pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, grenades, and explosives against the people and military forces.
The uncontrolled circulation of arms and ammunition poses a danger to peace and the country's long-term social and economic development. It has also led to the displacement of several Nigerians from their communities and ancestral lands.
7. Narcotics

Source: UGC
Narcotic trafficking is one of the causes of insecurity in Nigeria. Criminal groups are involved in smuggling illegal substances to Europe, Asia, South Africa, and North America.
Nigerian gangs are one of the largest distributors of opium in the world. Citizens should fight this criminal trafficking, which is not affecting just the country but the entire world.
8. Slavery
The Walk Free Foundation of Global Slavery reports that about 875,500 citizens in the country are trapped in human trafficking. For instance, women in the country can be tricked into migrating to other regions.
They hope to find good jobs but are forced to sell their bodies for money instead of promised jobs. Some of them are even sold to foreign brothels.
9. Criminal situation
For the last few years, citizens have been victims of robberies, which sometimes happen in daylight. Organised criminal gangs take over the streets of the country. People do not feel safe when walking on the roads. Corrupt government officials cannot provide help to Nigerians to fight these criminals.
10. Terrorist threat
Terrorism in the country is not a new problem. Boko Haram and Niger Delta Avengers are two prominent terrorist organisations that cause the most damage to the country. The federal government keeps fighting with terrorists. Nigerian soldiers die every day for their country.
10 solutions to insecurity in Nigeria
Insecurity in Nigeria threatens life and property, hampers business activity and discourages local and foreign investors, leading to a deficit in the country's social and economic growth and development. Below are the 10 solutions to the insecurity that can help everyone live in peace.
- The government must generate new jobs to battle unemployment, and citizens must use their initiative to open up new opportunities for themselves.
- The issue of corruption can only come when we have selfless leaders who will go the extra mile to effect change in different tiers of government. Any corrupt person needs to be dealt with. As a result, everyone will have equal rights, and there will be more honesty and transparency.
- The most effective strategy for the federal government to address the issue of imbalance in the nation is to balance the development of all of its areas.
- Having a strict, just, and fair judicial policy is very important. Any criminal should not be allowed to go unpunished. The government must guarantee the transparency of a judge's judgement and authority.
- The federal government should add more soldiers to the border patrol in order to address the issue of "Open" borders. It should also teach citizens how to defend their areas from insurgents.
- It is risky how quickly deadly firearms, ammunition, and other weapons are distributed around the nation. The authorities can halt this by establishing guidelines for anybody who has a firearm. And if somebody is discovered to possess a weapon without authorisation from the government, they should be dealt with.
- Narcotics is one of the main contributors to crime and fear in the nation. To combat crime, the government should start working with other nations to educate their people about the danger of narcotics. Launching a global probe into the issue and establishing accountable organisations will be beneficial.
- Forced labour and human trafficking are major problems in this nation. The public should combat these crimes. Cases of slavery or human trafficking must be reported.
- The federal government needs to pay attention to the problem of illegal activity, ensure that the law is upheld, and punish those who break it.
- To get rid of the main terrorist organisations in the nation, the government needs to find a better option to deal with such problems. This can be accomplished by teaching the next generation about the negative effects of crime and how they influence society.
What are the types of insecurity in Nigeria?
There is professional insecurity, which primarily involves the fear of losing jobs, as well as social insecurity, involving the feeling of rejection and fear of relating to people. We also have economic insecurity, otherwise known as financial insecurity.
What are the dangers of insecurity?
The unfortunate thing is that when people are insecure, it can lead to several other things. Among others, people may find it difficult to trust one another.
Professionally, the fear of losing one's job can take a toll on a person's mental health, causing social anxiety, negative mood, and other health-related problems.
What is the major insecurity in Nigeria?
The Nigerian government has recently faced significant difficulties as a result of insecurity and terrorism. Among these serious insecurities are bombings, sporadic shootings of unarmed civilians, burning of churches and police stations, abductions of young girls and women, r*pe, armed robberies, political unrest, and murder.
What are the sources of insecurity in Nigeria?
Nigeria's main sources of insecurity are tribal conflict, poverty, diseases, bad governance and human rights abuses, and environmental degradation.
How do you fight insecurity?
In a nation like Nigeria, enforcing laws and upholding them is the greatest method to combat insecurity. Everyone should be aware of the value of preserving the peace and participating in worthwhile activities that will boost the nation's economy.
What are the most common insecurities?
Relationship, social, body image, career, and basic requirements insecurities are some of the most prevalent forms of insecurity.
What are the 5 sources of insecurity?
The major sources of insecurity are:
- Bad leadership in a country
- Diseases and poverty
- Lack of faith in everyone
- Being egotistical and greedy
- Hatred and tribal strife
The causes of insecurity in Nigeria, among other issues, are a significant challenge that leaves many citizens in perpetual fear every day.
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