How to make catfish pepper soup with yam?
Do you want to know how to prepare catfish pepper soup with yam? The best recipe is here for you.

If you are looking for something really tasty, you inevitably should cook this dish. Nigerian recipes will always provide you with something really delicious.
Total time for cooking of catfish pepper soup with yam is about 30 minutes, so you will not spend too much time.

Catfish pepper soup with yam: ingredients
- 1 catfish
- 1lb of mussels, shrimps or prawns
- Some fresh white yam
- 4 tbsps - spice powder
- 1small onion
- 1tsp - dry pepper
- 1tbsp - crayfish powder
- 4-6 ehuru seeds
- 1 tsp - ginger powder
- 1 bouillon cube
- Some scent leaves
- Salt
How to make catfish pepper soup with yam?


- You need to put it in really hot water for a few seconds, then to place it into cold water. This will help to peel the fish easily.
- After this, you have to peel the fish, and after you are to wash it and let it drain. Now the fish is ready for pickling.
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- You need to add salt and pepper to your fish and to leave it for half an hour or better for an hour.
- The next step is to wash your mussels, prawns, shrimps or other sea products which you have chosen to add to your dish. Make them really clean - without any dirt. After this, make them get dry and set aside.
- Toast available ehuru and add it to previously crushed onion.
Boiling of white yam

- Put it into a pot, pour warm water, add salt, ground pepper and seasoning. In addition, put some bouillon cubes for better taste.
- Add catfish and cook the soup for 10-15 minutes more. The time may vary depending on the size of fish.

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- Don’t forget to put there the seafood which you prepared before hand – shrimps, prawns or mussels.
- Last steps – add some ginger, basil, palm oil.
The dish is ready to serve! Have a nice dinner!
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