Great benefits of the unripe plantain listed and explained

Great benefits of the unripe plantain listed and explained

This exotic fruit on the shelves of our stores has always aroused the buyer's interest. Health benefits of unripe plantain have made it one of the most beloved fruits of all buyers around the world.

unripe plantain
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Banana is a very ancient tropical culture. It ripens on a banana tree and loves the warm and humid tropical climate. The period of full maturation from planting to harvesting is one year. A special interest and love were won by a yellow banana. Affordable price and good taste made it a frequent guest in our diet.

However, an unripe plantain deserves special attention. They are removed from the trees, being green. And the organization of proper transportation ensures full ripening of them in transit and the acquisition of these sweet berries by a sweetish taste. From the point of view of dietetics, unripe plantains may be useful (but sometimes harmful too) with their frequent use in food.

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Unripe plantain health benefits

Unripe plantain health benefits
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Unripe plantains of small size and a common bunch look very attractive. Their enormous dignity consists in an incredible amount of potassium. They can rightfully be called a natural source of this important substance for humans. Potassium participates in many segments of our body and also affects the functioning of almost all organs:

  • Normalization of blood pressure, which contributes to the improvement of the heart rate and protects against all kinds of diseases associated with a violation of cardiac dynamics. The use of unripe plantains can be a serious preventive maintenance of cardiovascular diseases. Unripe plantain is considered an important assistant to cardiologists, preventing hypertension and angina, and most importantly, the scourge of modern man, atherosclerosis;
unripe plantain
Health benefits of unripe plantain
  • Calcium is the main component of the bone system. Therefore, its use is able to fill the daily need of the body. According to the experts, it is enough to include one banana in your daily diet and the daily rate will be replenished in full. People who abuse salt and spicy food need to eat unripe plantains. Its properties to keep calcium in the body allow the formation of potassium in the body, which strengthens human bones. A positive effect on the replenishment of potassium will naturally affect the improvement of the teeth and hair. Unripe plantains are very useful for children of school age when the bone system is formed and strengthens, the milk teeth are replaced. During this period, it is very important to ensure that growing organisms receive all the basic elements for strengthening and growth;

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mataoke bananas
Health benefits of unripe plantain

It is worth noting the benefit of this product in the gastrointestinal system. One of the useful elements that make up the unripe plantain is fatty acids (omega-3). It is good for life support and health in general. They are very easy to digest and are able to intensively digest all useful enzymes in the intestine.

The pulp of banana has a neutralizing effect on gastric acid, and the active substances heal the wounds and prevent new ulcers, thus calming the mucous. Sometimes doctors advise unripe plantain for ulcer treatment. There are the useful properties of an unripe plantain in the treatment of ulcerative diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is also a good preventive measure for the prevention of such diseases;

green bananas
Health benefits of unripe plantain
  • The positive effect of this miracle fruit was noted by doctors in general on the digestive system. Banana pectins can stimulate the digestive tract, normalizing the work of the intestines. It is a good helper for people who suffer from constipation and frustration. Filling potassium deficiency in the body, unripe plantains restore the intestinal water balance. Indeed, having diarrhea, a person is dehydrated and loses very important electrolytes. An unripe plantain will perfectly solve this problem;
  • The presence of the composition of vitamin E can positively affect the skin condition. And carotene will have a soothing effect for people who are exposed to stressful situations and experiences;
  • A large amount of sodium in unripe plantains allows you to maintain the normal water-salt balance in the body. And this is an important factor for the muscular system. The necessary amount of sodium allows you to maintain the muscles in a tone, protects them from seizures and stress. This is especially important for people whose work is associated with heavy physical labor.

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Unripe plantains will help in combating celiac disease

Unripe plantains
Health benefits of unripe plantain

People suffering from one of the most severe hereditary diseases - celiac disease, are very limited in nutrition due to gluten intolerance contained in wheat and other cereals. Researchers from the University of Brazil have come up with an alternative diet that will help such patients not limit themselves to eating pasta.

The main thing is that this pasta was not from wheat flour but from the flour of an unripe plantain. A number of tasters took part in the study and recognized the positive effect of such a replacement.

Unripe plantain nutrition facts

Unripe plantain nutrition facts
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Despite a number of factors that determine the positive properties of unripe plantains, you can still specify the number of exceptions in their application. With extreme caution, they should be introduced into the diet of young children in the age group from one to three years and nursing mothers. The increased amount of calcium and fatty acids will be difficult to assimilate and adapt for a small organism. Unripe plantain in pregnancy may be dangerous for the baby.

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The individual approach should be conducted to those people, who suffer from diabetes and having problems with blood coagulability. The unripe plantain and diabetes often do ‘work out’ together.

In general, there are no restrictions for an adult in the intake of unripe plantains. This is truly a source of living energy. Therefore, people include it in their diet to support their activity, sports fans - to charge them with additional energy. They are used both in fresh and dried form.

Unripe plantain and weight loss

Unripe plantain and weight loss
Health benefits of unripe plantain

A large number of dishes include a banana. A very useful breakfast is considered to be oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried banana. When choosing a diet for weight loss the unripe plantain can become one of the perfect options in the formation of a daily menu.

Cosmetology use of an unripe plantain

thinking girl
Health benefits of unripe plantain

A special emphasis on this remarkable fruit is given in cosmetology. Its soft component, in the ensemble with honey, sour cream, oat bran and various useful ingredients, is often included in cosmetic masks for the face, neck, and hands. On the basis of a banana, people often prepare tonics, which have a wonderful toning effect and lotions for the face.

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Unripe plantain flour benefits

Unripe plantain flour benefits
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Bananas are very hearty fruits. They are inexpensive, tasty and you can buy them at any store at any time of the year. Bananas are frequent guests on our table. They are added to desserts, pastries, drinks.

But ripe bananas have a lot of sugars, and consequently calories. Therefore, it is better to use unripe plantains when losing weight. The unripe plantain has about 80% of resistant starch, which is a very useful substance for weight loss.

Since the taste of green fruits is not to everyone's liking, the alternative is the flour, which is much tastier, nicer and softer. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals - phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as useful protein and soluble vegetable fibers.

Benefits of flour from unripe plantains for weight loss

plantains for weight loss
Health benefits of unripe plantain
  • Prevents the deposition of fats

A lot of starch-containing foods are quickly digested and transformed into glucose, which leads to increased blood sugar and, as a result, increased weight. Flour from unripe plantains contains resistant starches - a stable form of carbohydrates, which are not fully digested, and do not increase the level of sugar in the blood.

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  • Eliminates cravings for sweets

A stable level of glucose in the blood does not provoke an appetite. And this means that you will get rid of the temptation to eat sweets and get extra calories.

  • Prolongs the feeling of fullness
weight loss black women
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Flour from unripe plantains contains a lot of vegetable fibers, which are longer digested and a little slowdown digestion.

  • Low Calorie

Caloric content of banana flour is much less than the calorie content of other types of flour because the composition includes fewer carbohydrates and sucrose. And another plus - its composition has absolutely no fat, but a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal transit.

The uses of unripe plantain peels

uses of unripe plantain peels
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Fresh peel of banana is useful for getting rid of cracks on the heels, as well as burns, bruises, and abscesses. It is enough to make a compress, fixing the skin with the inner surface to the affected area. With prolonged use, this method helps to cope with warts. Attached to the forehead or neck, the peel of a banana allows you to cope with a headache and with migraines.

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Another tip is how to get the banana peel to work hard for the glory of your garden. Grind the peel finely and add it to the component of the soil. As a result, this will give the same nutritional effect as composting and digestion of the skin, but the probability of burning plants is minimized. All three techniques can be successfully used for all plants in the garden, increasing their satisfaction with soil.

Disadvantages of using unripe plantains

Disadvantages of using unripe plantains
Health benefits of unripe plantain

Despite their potential safety, children under the age of 3 should include this fruit in the diet with a certain degree of caution. The same rule applies to nursing mothers because through their milk, trace elements and minerals are fully absorbed into the baby's digestive tract.

Among the contraindications, to their use, we can also name the increased coagulability of the blood, heart disease, diabetes. So in the case of a certain disease, do not use unripe bananas without consulting your doctor. In this state, they can contain a lot of starch, which negatively affects the functioning of the intestine. For the same reason, you should not combine bananas and milk.

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unripe plantain growth
Health benefits of unripe plantain

The use of any products must be normalized, without abuse and with a sense of moderation. Therefore, include in your diet unripe plantains, complement your dessert dishes with this wonderful and useful fruit and just lead a healthy lifestyle. And this is an unquestionable way to a perfect state of health and a beautiful look!

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


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Adrianna Simwa (Lifestyle writer) Adrianna Simwa is a content writer at where she has worked since mid-2022. She has written for many periodicals on a variety of subjects, including news, celebrities, and lifestyle, for more than three years. She has worked for The Hoth, The Standard Group and Triple P Media. Adrianna graduated from Nairobi University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in 2020. In 2023, Simwa finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. You can reach her through her email: