What is skill acquisition?
We can say that our whole life is based on a skill. Skill acquisition is an ongoing process. In early life, we learn to walk, and then we learn to hold a spoon and so on.
Over time, we need more serious skills (attention, communication etc.). All this determines the quality and level of our life. It is important to understand that the initial skills are not given. They are acquired, people work on them personally and purposefully.

So what is skill acquisition?
Skill acquisition definition
In fact, skill stands for some action that:
a) is generated over time;
b) is brought to automatism.
Skill is acquired when it is considered to be formed, if a person does not think, how to act, does not share the action on the parts, but simply makes it.
A number of small movements merge into one. Redundant, unnecessary movements are eliminated, the pace of implementation of the action speeds up. A man has no control over the transition from one motion to another. It happens by itself, without any special planning.

What is skill acquisition in sport
Skill acquisition in sport can be described as a pyramid with fundamental movement skills at the bottom, with specialized movement skills on the middle level and with skilled performance atop of the pyramid. In the process of making real champions and excellent athletes coaches and teachers should take into account that skill acquisition in sport has three main phases.
Understanding or Cognitive Phase
This phase is the first and no one promises success on this stage. Athletes perform tasks given and explained by a coach or a teacher. Athletes rely on the coach. On this stage, there will be a lot of mistakes and attempts. External feedback is extremely important.
Verbal Motor or Associative Phase
It is a phase of practice, performances become motor programs. Simpler skills seem well learned, while more complex elements require more attention and practice. On this stage, athletes can detect and correct mistakes independently.
Motor or Autonomous Phase
This is the final stage, all performances are finished and perfect, and all movements as a program are stored in a long-term memory. Athletes are focused on the opponents and their tactics. This stage is phase of success.

Importance of skill acquisition
Skill is the brick, from which the foundation of our future life is built. Skills determine the quality of the life. The dynamic course of life all the time requires us to acquire skills and skill development. In childhood, we learn with pleasure, but becoming older, we lose this enthusiasm. Someone is afraid to start something new, someone is ashamed to seem a bush leaguer, and someone thinks that has already reached everything.
Reasons for skill acquisition
It is never too late to develop the right skills. Do not create artificial barriers and thereby close the further development of your life. Skill acquisition opens new opportunities, that why we need to learn something new, practise and become experts. Skill acquisition is a key, which opens all doors.

Good job and salary
Nowadays there are many unemployed graduates in the world, especially in Africa, the problem is hidden in the education system and lack of skills of students, and lack of desire to learn something new and to improve current knowledge. It is obvious that if you will acquire necessary skills and enough level of knowledge, the doors to the opportunity of having a good job and descent salary will never be closed for you.
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Opening of a new horizon
It is not new that skillful people, who know their job well, are in demand all over the world. Acquire skills you will promote yourself and there is a high possibility that you will see other countries and better life.

Interesting pastime
Another benefit of skill acquisition is interesting full of colors life after and beyond work. If you are open to everything new and challenging, it means that you will never be bored. Acquire skills in painting, dancing, beading, engineering, playing guitar etc. These new skills will make you an interesting many-sided person.
9 desirable types of skill acquisition
Every day you make the same actions - fry scrambled eggs for breakfast, check e-mail etc. You have mastered all of these skills long ago and brought them to automaticity, may lead you not only to routine, but also to regress. To prevent this you need colors in your life and acquire new skills. If you do not know where to start, we offer you some of the skills that can be useful to everyone.
Learn to repair something
When you need to repair something, you solve the problem by calling a special person, who comes and repairs the item, after you pay the money. Why to pay extra if you can do it yourself? In addition to saving your resources, you will acquire a skill that may be useful in your life. Self-education can be engaged by means of video courses, forums, and other resources that you can find on the Internet.

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Develop your artistic talent
If you can draw, take photos or create illustrations - it will always have a positive impact on your work. By combining technical and artistic skills, you will be able to create something really beautiful and useful. Everyone can learn to draw - it is a matter of technique and practice.
Learn a new scientific discipline
Probably, you have a domain or subject that you would like to study at the university or that you have missed during your training – it can be finance, history of arts, zoology etc. You can learn it with the help of courses or online. You should do this on your own - so it will be more effective, because you can learn all at your own pace, examining strange moments, and spend for it as much time as you can.

Improve your knowledge of computer technologies
Nowadays we cannot imagine our life without a computer - we use it at work, at home, or even on vacation. If suddenly, something had happened to your computer and it is unclear whether it will still work. Most likely, you will call up a specialist who will fix the problem, but it is not clear how much time he will spend and how much money he will ask for his services. It will be more useful if you can solve the problem yourself, as well as to load your brain with a new task that will be a good workout for it.

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Learn how to protect yourself
Despite the words of the founder of Aikido that you win the battle before it begins, yet there are situations where physical contact cannot be avoided. Certainly, no one likes to be the losing side in a fight. To prevent this, it is necessary to improve your self-defense skills. You can contact the experts who will teach you all the necessary techniques, or do it yourself with the help of textbooks or video courses.

Learn to play a musical instrument
If you already know how to play any musical instrument or just want to learn - you can do it easily with the help of the Internet. The network is full of a large number of guitar lessons or piano etc.
Improve your sense of style
If you have mastered the basic principles of classic design, you can create a cozy atmosphere at home or in the office. Among other things, a person with a good sense of style can make his life more colorful and varied.

Become a pro in the kitchen
Of course, it is hard to become a good cook, but learning the basics of cooking will never be over. You save time on cooking food, improve its taste and will develop new skills for yourselves. In addition, from time to time, you can please yourself and your loved ones by a delicious dinner.
Learn languages
One of the most sought-after skills is knowledge of foreign languages. In addition to the abstract brain training, it can seriously help you in life and in work. You can learn a new language by visiting special courses, private lessons with a tutorial or by your own with the help of materials from books and on the Internet.

Do not be afraid of difficulties! The process of acquiring skills may seem complicated because new is always difficult to start. Actions at the beginning may be imperfect. If you exercise and practice on a daily basis, the acquisition of skills does not seem difficult. Actions become more dexterous. It all starts to run faster and better. That's all the secrets of how to develop a skill. Everybody can acquire useful and necessary skills. If the dog is able to learn, then you will cope with this!
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Source: Legit.ng