How to fry groundnut?
Fried groundnut - a favorite delicacy of many people. Groundnuts can be purchased in any store. Of course, it is possible to fry groundnuts at home, they will be much tastier than bought in a shop, they will have unique taste and aroma. Roasted groundnuts - a great appetizer, an additive to other dishes or a basis for peanut butter.
So a very logical question arise: how to fry groundnut at home?
Having learned how to fry groundnuts at home, you will always be able to please yourself and beloved ones with a pleasant surprise - a portion of flavorous groundnuts.

Selection and cooking of groundnut
To fry groundnut first you should choose high quality groundnuts.
Groundnuts should be:
- without traces of insects;
- dry, without rotten or rancid odor;
- with unbroken nut-shell with soft pink color;
- without loud sounds while shaking (if you hear this sound, it means that groundnut began to dry up and rot inside the nut-shell).
Rinse purchased nuts not for long in cool water, after dry with a towel. You can roast groundnuts either in shell or without it, but it is not convenient to fry groundnuts in nutshell.
If you don’t know how to roast groundnut, there are several ways to do it.
- On a frying pan
- In the microwave.
- In the oven.
Choose the option that you like and start cooking.
Groundnut fry recipes

Fry groundnuts on a frying pan
You will need 200 grams of peeled groundnuts, high frying pan with a thick sides and bottom, wooden spoon for stirring.
Put groundnuts in a thin layer. It is not necessary to remove nut plugs, they will peel off by itself in the process, and the remaining will be easier to remove from roasted groundnuts.
Fry the nuts for 15-17 minutes on the fire little less than average, stirring constantly with a spoon.

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Degree of readiness you can identify tasting or visual - roasted nuts easily break, and the central area becomes golden brown.
Pour in the towel and fray with hands to clean the rest of husk.
Serve, adding salt, sugar and spices to taste.

Cooking groundnuts in the microwave oven
Groundnut is cooking in the microwave very simply and the cooking process takes less than 5 minutes. We need the 100-200 g of groundnuts and a flat plate.
Spread groundnuts on a plate in a thin layer.
Place them in the microwave oven, cook for 1 minute at 800 W. Mix well.
Then you will need to turn on timer for 20 seconds 4-6 times under the same 800 W, stirring between times to reach the desirable degree of roasting. Clean from the nut-plug, and groundnuts are ready to be eaten or be added to other dishes.

Cooking groundnuts in the oven
The process is a bit more complicated and longer (it will take you about 30-60 minutes), but is suitable for preparing of peeled groundnuts, and with nut-shell.
You will need baking dish, groundnuts and a wooden spoon.
Preheat oven to 175 degrees.
Put the peeled groundnuts and place in oven.
Dry groundnuts for 15 minutes, then shake or stir with a spoon.
Increase the temperature to 200 degrees and watch carefully for the sounds coming out of the oven.
When groundnuts begin to crackle, turn off the oven and leave the form inside for more 15 minutes to make it cool slowly.
Pour groundnuts into a bowl, remove peels and enjoy a meal.
When frying groundnuts in the nut-shell the time slightly increases and the other processes stay the same: pour in a thin layer and roast at 175-200 degrees.
Practicing, you can make changes to the cooking process to cook groundnuts exactly as you like.

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In Nigeria groundnut is a very popular snack. So how to fry groundnut in Nigeria? People say that if to fry groundnut with sand it will have special taste a very pleasant aroma.
How to fry groundnut with sand?
First of all, you need to put your frying pan on the hit, after put some sand inside the pan, it is very important to take clean high quality sand. Allow the sand to get hot before you pour in groundnuts. Add teaspoonful of salt and mix thoroughly. As we have described above, it is very important to stir the groundnuts for equal distribution of heat, so they would not burn underneath. Fry groundnuts on the low heat for 15-20 minutes. If you will take one groundnut and peel of you will see how color has changed, it should become gold. After your groundnuts are cooked, you need to separate them from the sand, and leave to cool before peeling nut plug. Then just peel off nut plug with your hands in a tray. After air blow the nut plug from the tray leaving only groundnuts.

Please note that groundnuts should be stored in an airtight bottle or another container to prevent them from turning dampened.
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