Bitter leaf side effects
Bitter leaf is a long-term grass, which can reach the height of 30 centimeters. It differs in a creeping stalk, has the uniform trimmed surface, which can take roots in knots. Bitter leaf flowers medicinal gather in a group with a large number of blossoming, which grow at the top of leaves.

Bitter leaf useful properties
Healers use an elevated part of a plant. The stalk, flowers, and leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and Carotene. By means of the plant, it is possible to destroy microbes. It is one of the best disinfectants. Also, it is proved scientifically that bitter leaf is one of the best agents, helping at adhesion of wounds.
The plant contains a large number of different trace substances, lemon, apple, milk acids. An elevated part is rich with a fat and essential oil, vitamins, aromatic bonds.
The broth of bitter leaf is recommended to use as an agent of cramps and a severe cough.

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By means of a grass, it is possible to cure wounds and a disease of a skin. If ulcers, purulent rashes don't heal a long time, the skin itch disturbs, it is recommended to do lavages or take a bath with this grass. Bitter leaf infusion helps to get rid of a fungus. Also, it is used if legs strongly sweat.
The homeopathy appreciates the bile-expelling action of the bitter leaf. Also, it is recommended to use if the person has bronchial asthma, also at dry coach and problems with the top respiratory tracts.
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Bitter leaf is one from the best agents for the treatment of diseases of an intestine, a stomach; it helps at gastritis with low acidity.
For a long time, people use such prescription of broth. It will require two tablespoons of bitter leaf filled with 400 ml of boiled water.
Because of bitter leaf diuretic action, by means of it, people treat urinary diseases. Also, it is recommended to use drugs on the basis of this species of a plant at a sleeplessness, if the person is strongly overexcited and he has a nervous attrition. By means of bitter leaf, it is possible to stop bleeding. It is taken both outwardly, and inside.
The fresh broth of a plant will help to avoid serious consequences after stings of snakes and a toxicant spider. It is the best of all to put bitter leaf grass in the steamed-out look to the struck place.
Home healers use broths and infusions for the treatment of cold, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis. It is also good to use them at hepatic, renal, gastric diseases, problems with a bladder. By means of a grass, it is possible to cure a rheumatic disease, to stop internal bleeding, to improve a condition of the woman during climacteric period, to restore an organism after attrition and to get rid of sleeplessness.

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Outwardly, the better leaf is used for the treatment of combustions and wounds.
Bitter leaf side effects
It is impossible to use this species of a plant when the person has an allergic reaction.
If not to keep a dosage and to self-medicate, there can be such side effects of bitter leaf juice as blood pressure, serious heart troubles, the increase of glucose level in a blood. Therefore, it is important to use bitter leaf only after the advice of the doctor.
Bitter leaf and pregnancy
There are no additional side effects of bitter leaf at pregnancy; therefore, you can use it. Moreover, it helps with problems with conception.
As you can see, the bitter leaf has a set of useful properties. At the same time, there are very few side effects that make this useful grass available for everyone.