15 countries with the most overcrowded primary schools

School education is very important in the life of each person, but some children are not able to get it. Here are the countries, where school are extremely overcrowded.
Everyone would agree that it is important for people to visit school, but actually a lot of countries face the problem of overcrowded classrooms in elementary schools. Of course, governments do their best to find overcrowded schools solution.
Perhaps no figure of culture and art, not a single writer who has spoken about the benefits of education and the need of it for each person, and for the state as a whole. One of the signs by which we determine the standard of living in the state is the availability and quality of education.
If today you ask the average person what car she or he would like to have, this person usually just names you a dozen of worldwide known models of good cars ("Mercedes", "Toyota", "Peugeot", "Ferrari" "Land Cruiser", etc.). That is the simple result of the survey, due to which we immediately see that most of our people are well aware of what a good car should be. Probably, most of those people did not even sit in these cars and will never be able to buy them, but this does not prevent them from dreaming about these cars.

Every man has an idea of how a perfect woman should look. So women sit on different diets or visit fitness clubs to meet these ideals of men.
If you now ask what should be a modern school, most people will speak about something, what is an improved version of the current "school as a school."
That means that even in dreams of the common person there is no idea of modern "school, that is not the school."
Education today is more important than ever. But it is the education that meets the needs of today, not yesterday. The industrial age is gone. It was the time when the person who got public education, had the opportunity to make a brilliant career. Yet a few decades ago the school education was enough for a person to work for the whole life in one place, and earn enough money for living. Today, the flow of information is so huge that education takes a new height. Life is so rapidly changing, requirements for employees and staff increased so quickly that only those, who are teaching constantly, catch the time. Today person with a school education only does not go far. Therefore, a lot depends on the question if the child will develop good relationships with schooling: whether the child will have the successful life in future as a whole. Young parents today are amazed at how their child grasps everything in a single flash at school in the early grades, and what wise conclusions and reasoning their child makes. Parents are so proud of them! The child is talented! But what happens to the talent of many children as they grow up?
We know that school education is a step towards creating a culture of a person. Teachers help students to form their cultural level, to know, to understand and feel the laws of the world of nature and a person, the integrity of its processes.

A humane person, intellectually developed, having philosophical foundations of his or her vital position, creatively thinking, open-minded - is the main goal of education, foundations of which are laid at school.
For centuries, people seek answers to questions what is actually the life on Earth, how it appeared and developed and what the existing laws of the world around us are and how to live in this world.
The system of knowledge acquired during human life and personal experiences allow each person, depending on the level of education and culture, to answer such questions. Scientific discoveries in various fields of knowledge allow to clearly understand these processes.
We know that knowledge of the world went in three ways - scientific discoveries, philosophy, and religion, each performing its function. Scientific knowledge gave us a clear picture of the existing laws of the world, nature, people. Philosophy as an integrative science-based knowledge synthesis tried to answer, what is the meaning of life, and build laws of nature and society. Religion has shaped the norms of human behaviour, created the foundations of moral values of people.

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Nowadays there is a synthesis of all kinds of knowledge. Harmonisation of accumulated human knowledge about us, the nature, role and place of man, of life - that is the modern way of recognising the world.
It is written in the Bible: "When wisdom enters into your heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, then prudence will protect you, understanding will guard you, to rescue from the evil way...". This is the triad of knowledge, philosophy, religion, and the result - to save himself and his world "on the path of evil."
It is important to understand what overcrowded classroom causes, especially in Africa are.
Access to education is a fundamental human right. Meanwhile, in some parts of Africa, the citizens do not even have a basic level of knowledge. Lack of education contributes to the deepening of poverty, the spread of infectious diseases, as well as the growing illiteracy.

Africa is not only the second largest continent of the globe but also the most diverse internally. Africa has the highest fertility rate in the world, and at the same time, the lowest level of GDP per capita. Add to this, that Africa is the poorest continent, struggling with many disasters, such as AIDS, hunger and endlessly continuing the war. Therefore it is not surprising that local education system leaves much to be desired. According to the data of 2011, Africa is home to more than a billion people: more than fifty nationalities, thousands of peoples and tribes who speak more than a thousand languages. Because of this, a comprehensive approach to the problem of education is a challenge.

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According to statistics, half of Africa's population cannot read. Illiteracy is more common among women than men. If a woman becomes pregnant, the question is whether she will be able to read and write, it is secondary to her. The main thing is that she must be ready to carry out household duties. Other data show 26% of children who do not start school, and more than 70% of those who have access to education, only half completed primary school. The fact is that in many African countries, children are forced to work. They have neither the time nor the conditions to learn. The big problem for African schools - it is overcrowded classrooms, where the number of students per teacher is 80 people. They are deprived of basic school supplies and textbooks. Most families do not have money to buy stationery, not to mention the fact, to hire a teacher for extra classes - tutor of English or math available, in fact, only to Europeans. Even if family can allow their child visit the school, they face overcrowded classrooms problems.
Madagascar is a leader of countries with overcrowded schools. There are about 250 children in a class.
In the Central African Republic there is also a real problem of overcrowded classrooms in elementary schools, there are about 138 children in classroom.
Then go Sao Tome & Principe, Chad, Niger and Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Eritrea.
Source: Legit.ng