Top 10 dangerous religious cults in the world
What can be characterized as a cult? The main characteristic is a quite pragmatic and charismatic leader that can lead the small group of people with the power persuasion. The dangerous religious cults always pursue the same religious ideas of the apocalypses, isolation from another part of the world and Spiritism. All these ideas are inherited in the idea of indoctrination, which means manipulating people and controlling them. It`s not easy to determine the most dangerous cult in the world. They all have the same problems connected to the life, criminal activity, drugs consumption and many other related questions.

Here you may witness the top 10 most dangerous cults. They were ranked according to the casualties provided to them, even human casualties and even children casualties. It should also be mentioned the number of cult members. They are great soldiers in the war for the top of top ten most dangerous cults. Why are religious cults dangerous? They defy the idea of religion. Their religion provides many difficulties to the people around. They can`t work with that people. The most dangerous cults can even have blood sacrifices in their arsenal of creepy things. Therefore, here are presented the top 10 of most dangerous religious cults.

One of the most dangerous cults in the world with followers in many parts of the world and from mega rich and popular people to the servants. The preachers tend to use manipulating technics and brainwashing methods to get people attention on their rights. The crucial point of this cult is bringing together all ideas connected to the negative feelings and reject it. The members of the Scientology follow the path for the full potential of “human powers.” Therefore, it brings them to the dangerous religious cult list. Their most memorable adepts are Priscilla Presley and Tom Cruise.
Hare Krishna

This dangerous cult was created in the sixties, and they bow to the supreme God of all Gods “Krishna.” This protagonist is a famous character of Mahabharata. Hara Krishna is one of the most dangerous cults that are provided with their chanting rituals, like “the energy of God.” These people may suffer for their religious practices as they prefer to live as Spartans with having a little communication with the world, sleep not much and eat less. The adepts of Hare Krishna can be involved in various criminal activities, like kidnapping and drug dealing. The most noticeable followers of this dangerous cult are Russel Brand, Beatles, and Steve Jobs.
The Unification Church

This dangerous cult provided its place in this list for the worshiping of the Moon. That`s the reason they can also be called Moonies. Therefore, Monies believe that Moon is supreme divine that controls everything on our Planet. The leader of the cult is Sun Myung Moon that believes that he is a messiah of the Moon Divine. Sun Myung Moon is an unwelcome guest for many civilized countries across the world. He is not allowed to visit some countries due to its deeds. The cult provides to the people the knowledge that real Heaven exists not only in an afterlife, but it can also be created on the Earth. His work as Messiah provided him millions of dollars in Korea.
Children of God

It`s a twisted secret cult that has a special place in the top dangerous cult list. Their primary believe that provided disgust to them amongst citizens of the USA was their believe that sex with children and incest are natural desires. The founder of their religion, David Berg had many wives and children which he used in sexual orgies. The doctrine of the religion for the Children of God also included Apocalypse. This dangerous cult also has another name as The Family. Their practice of sexual abuse provided them a nasty reputation. Few Famous personalities were raised in that cult as actress Rose McGowan who are famous for her role in Charmed. The famous actor River Phoenix was also raised in this cult.
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The Ku Klux Klan

This spawn was a proclamation of war against black people. It rose up from the Christian identity of the religion for Christ. These ideas of KKK came to play and rose to power after Civil War in the USA. The members of KKK could perfectly kill anyone for their plans. Their main targets were Africans and “colored” citizens of the USA. Their peak of power came in 1928, where the KKK had more than four million members. Their main enemies not always Africans, but all who does not support their ideas. Due to their nationalistic and racist propaganda, they have some resemblance to the ideas of the Third Reich.
The Manson Family

The charismatic personality can play a tremendous role in creating something powerful. Charles Manson was exactly the leader that could make people fear and respect him. Manson traveled around the USA and tried to find followers from all classes of the society. He even provided information that people also tried to find him and follow his ideas. In his family, he provided new names for his adepts. He even created a special temple nearby to Hollywood where he could host sexual orgies, sacrifices, and other nasty things. He believed in Helter Skelter, where this personality commands him to murder people and make sacrifices.
Heaven`s Gate

This cult didn`t get any medal in this top most dangerous cult list, but still, it should be mentioned that it`s a true doomsday cult. They believed that one day the Earth would be cleansed and recycled by their lords on the Alien ships. Their preached leaders can be named Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite. They were the harbingers of the mass suicides across the USA. They even provided instructional videos on how to commit suicide. This religion provided thousands of dollars to the believers and creators. In 1997 all members of the cult decided to commit suicide to be saved from cleansing. Therefore, police found their bodies in San Diego in a beautiful mansion.
The Solar Temple

And the bronze medal in the top 10 most dangerous cult can be named The Solar Temple Cult. Their charismatic leader Luc Joret also provided ideas about the end of the world. The Solar Temple adepts believed that every saving could be made via sacrifice. Through these sacrifices, they could go to the journey to their Heaven Planet – Sirius. Luc Joret earned more than one hundred million dollars in its beliefs. It should be mentioned some parts of his biography, where he once served as offices of Gestapo in the Hitler`s Army. Nevertheless, he believed too much in his ideas and also committed suicide. Still, his intentions provided his cult a place in the history as one of the most dangerous cults.
Branch Davidians

The Branch Davidians earn the silver medal in our top list of the most dangerous cult. The Leader of the Davidians, David Koresh preached his followers that the main enemy of the God was the Government of the USA. He launched his temple activity in Waco, Texas. He trained his believers, provided them guns and taught to be ready for fighting against the USA. In 1994, ATF forces reached his compound in Waco and witnessed crimes connected to sexual abuse, children pornography, drugs and weapons. More than one hundred members died in fighting against ATF. The tragedy is still the main question in the USA as it could be possible to illuminate violence.
The People`s Temple

And the gold medal in our top most dangerous cults in the world might be granted to The People`s Temple. Their leader, Jim Jones, started to provide his excellent ideas of brainwashing and zealots in the sky from the very young age. He was also famous for mind controlling people. He thought that The Bible was a ridiculous book that has ever been written.
He started to provide his doctrine and visions of humanity in the world. His followers grew in number, and his sick ideas also grew in numbers. He also used ideas of having sex with children, drugs, alcohol and even slavery. Nevertheless, he also preached the ideas of mass suicides to have access to the gates of the God. Therefore, it was believed the most dangerous cult in the world.
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